Episode 14: The Falling Out

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---Haley's POV---
I can tell Abby had enough of Rebecca's shit. Rebecca broke the rule of the gods. Never yell at the god of thunder. Abby and I are protectors of the gods. In fact, our family history states that we are decended from Poseidon, God of the Sea. Unfortunately, our blood line goes too far for us to be considered demigods, but we are still guardians of Olympus.

"Look," Abby snarled. "You happen to be the daughter of the king of gods. I rather not fight you, but if I have to, I will." Abby gripped her sword tightly. Rebecca glared at Abby.

"You don't understand." Rebecca snarled. "I was lied to." Rebecca pulled out her katana and went to attack Abby. Abby pulled out her sword and blocked Becca's attack. Abby shot a look at Rebecca.

"Did you just try to kill me?" Abby asked.

"Jaiden," James said. "Get the M&M's out."

"I have popcorn." Adam said. "Here's the half popped crap." Jaiden grabbed it and began munching on it.

"Hey Lily," Jade said. "Ten dream dollars say Abby wins."

"20 says Rebecca wins." Ethan said.

"30 says they fall off on Mount. Nyx." Lily said.

"Go team!" Den shouted.

"This isn't going to end well." Illy said. Pat threw me a rope.

"Haley!" Pat shouted. "Do something!" I ran to Rebecca and pushed her away from Abby and tied Rebecca up. I then grabbed a rope from my bag and tied Abby down.

"You two!" I shouted. "Calm the fuck down!"

"Haley!" Abby shouted. "Let me go!"

"Stay out of this!" Rebecca shouted. The two were struggling. Zeus looked at his daughter and sighed.

"Rebecca," Zeus said. "I had no choice. I had to come back."

"You chose Olympus." Rebecca snarled. "You chose Olympus over us. You could've seen all-"

"I have." Zeus said, cutting her off. He knelt down next to Rebecca.

"Huh?" Abby asked.

"I have watched you grow," Zeus said. "Both as a human and as a creator. The reason why I encouraged you to start a your own business was so that you can gain some allies. One of which happenes to be stubborn like her great grandpa." Zeus shot a look at Abby.

"Uncle Zeus," Abby said. "I got it from Great Great Grandpa Cronus. And since you are his youngest son, you are also quite stubborn."

"So that explains a lot." Jaiden said. "Rebecca starting Morpheus, the mysterious unknown force that we all talk about-"

"X's attempt to destroy Morpheus months ago." I stated. Everyone shot a look at me.

"Was I just bait to trap X?" Abby asked.

"No," Zeus replied. "You just happened to be one of his targets. Vita Viros Neque Sanctiores has a list to last him till the end of time."

"Who?" All of us asked in sync.

"Vita Viros Neque Sanctiores," Zeus said. "That is my nephew's real name. We called him Viros for short."

"X is your nephew?" I asked.

"Yeah," Zeus said. "In a way, we consider Vita Viros Neque Sanctiores family." Abby laughed.

"That makes X your cousin!" Abby shouted.

"And you're my cousin," Rebecca said. "Twice removed." Abby raised her eyebrow.

"I rather be related to Logan Paul." Abby growled. All of us gasped.

"You take that back." Rebecca snarled. The two glared at each other.

"Well," Adam said. "This is uncomfortable."

---Abby's POV---
We all returned to Morpheus HQ the following night. I turned my badge in and made my way to the Forest of Nightmares. Before exiting the building, I looked up at Rebecca's office window. Rebecca was watching me from her window. I sighed and walked out.

Goodbye Rebecca. I thought. I walked to the edge of the forest and sighed. I had to do what was best for Morpheus. I wasn't meant to be in Morpheus. So, I decided to go off the Forest of Nightmares. I heard that East of the old ruins is a camp. Who occupies the camp, I don't know. I am about to find out. I stepped into the forest and made my way towards the ruins.

Once I reached the ruins, I pulled out my compass. If it says I am facing south, then I must go right. Right? I looked at my compass. Nope, it's left. So much for memorizing the compass in 9th grade geography. I started heading east. I was walking in a more friendly forest. The trees in the Forest of Nightmares seem to be dark, almost like a black ink. These trees actually have some colour. Specks of a faded green. The Eastern wind began to blow.

I walked for what seemed like a few hours. Before I knew it, I stepped onto a beach near the ocean. I looked over as the sun began to rise. I pulled out my map and looked at it. Looks like I'm at the camp. I looked over at the group of tents around a camp fire.

"Hello?!" I called out. Someone stepped out of the tents.

"Did you leave Morpheus?" The person asked. I nodded.

"I was one of the higher ups." I stated. He scratched his beard. He was tanned with dark hair. His eyes were green.

"I see." The man stated. "Welcome to the camp. I am Brother William. I come from Berlin, Germany."

"Gutten tag." I said. "Mein Name ist Abby, ich komme aus Toronto, Canada."

"You speak German?" William asked.

"A bit." I replied. "I'm self taught."

"Impressive." William stated. "Now come on, let me show you around the camp." We began walking around the camp. I was shown the tents and was given a tent of my own. Some of the other occupants came to introduce themselves to me. After we finished setting up my tent, I shook William's hand and went to bed.

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