Episode 19: The Plan

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---Becca's POV---
I entered Morpheus with all the higher ups available shouting at each other. Nobody was sure what to do. X was after all of us for having my back. I was the target after all. I was the one X wanted. None of us were safe.

"Kill the beast!" Shane Dawson shouted in anger.

"We can't!" Pewdiepie yelled. "Rebecca has to!"

"We can't just sit here!" Colleen Ballinger screamed. "We're wanted targets! And I am not about to leave my baby an orphan!" Jaiden walked over to me.

"Thank Zeus." Jaiden said. "Nobody knows what to do. Also-" Before Jaiden could finish,  the door swung open. Everybody fell silent. Abby stepped into the room.

"I have a plan!" Abby shouted.

"Really?" James said. Stephanie ran in.

"I tried to stop her." Stephanie huffed. "She wouldn't stay." I raised my hand.

"Abby," I said. "Tell me your plan, then go back to the bed. You need to rest."

"Okay," Abby said. "We need bait though. I just happen to know X can't tell the difference between a dummy with an audio recording and a real human." Whispers arose.

"Go on." I said.

"X will see the decoy we place of you put in the open," Abby said. "It will talk about whatever, then X will appear, then we catch him."

"Are you sure this will work?" Adam asked.

"Of course." Abby said. "We just need someone who isn't on the watch list to set up the decoy."

"There's a problem." Mark stated. "All of Morpheus' higher ups are on that list. And we can't allow a lower classmen do it."

"We have no choice." I stated.

"You tell 'em Becca!" Rosanna Pansino shouted.

"Great Rosanna." Abby said. "Now I am craving your chocolate cake. That was freaking delious." Abby started drooling.

"Abby," I said. "Snap out of it." I snapped my fingers. Abby shook her head.

"Sorry," Abby said. "Anyways, who's going to set the trap?"

"Who isn't on the list?" Mark asked. I looked over at Abby, who raised and eyebrow.

"I may know someone." Abby stated. "However, it may be a bit risky sending her out."

"Oh no." Mark whispered.

"Not her." I whispered. Abby nodded.

"Trust me." Abby said. "Haley isn't on X's list. It's her or we send out a newbie." I looked at Markiplier.

"We can't ask a trainee to risk their life." Mark stated.

"So?" I asked Abby. "Will you two be flying put to Texas or am I going north?"

"We'll head to Alaska." Abby said. "There, we won't be able to do any harm to any civilians."

"How long are you on bed rest?" Jaiden asked.

"Till next week." Abby replied. "Then I can't work for two weeks."

"Well," I said. "We'll save the world while you're on break."

"There is a problem," James stated. "Because most of us are on X's list, Rebecca will get turned in and the rest of us will get killed."

"That's true." Mark said. "However, I highly doubt anybody will do that to us."

"Just to be safe." I said. "I think we can transform ourselves into other people." I snapped my fingers. I turned into a small, Japanese woman.

"Wow." Abby said. "This is interesting." Abby snapped her fingers and turned into a tall, buff, Russian guy.

"Holy shit." Mark said. "I wanna try." Mark snapped his fingers. He turned into a woman who looked like Haley.

"Hey Aunt L-" Abby said before cutting herself off, realizing her voice is deep.

"Oh my." I said. "You sound like you've hit puberty 6 years late." Abby glared at me.

"Shut up." Abby said.

"Great." Mark said. His voice was high pitched.

"Meet me at Pearson Airport at Sunrise." Abby said. "Mark, you may have to pose as my wife. Or at least my girlfriend. I never thought those words would leave my mouth."

"Alright." I said. "Don't forget Haley." Abby nodded.

"As for the rest of you!" Mark shouted. "Stay safe! Stay hidden! Good luck!" Everybody cheered.

The following night, I flew out to Toronto. There, I met up with Mark, Abby, and Haley. Abby, in her Russian form, pulled out her passport. At least the fake one.

"According to this," Abby said. "My name is Evgeny Abramov."

"And my name is Lacey DeHaan." Mark said. "What does your passport say?" I pulled out  the fake passport.

"Natsumi Nakagawa." I replied. "Ready to save the world Small Child?"

"If I must." Haley replied. Suddenly, I hear a section of Tabbes video.

"Shut the fuck up," The clip sang. "Shut the fuck up. Leave us alone man. You're a fucking schmuck." There were pans banging along with it. Abby pulled out her phone and answered it.

"Hello?" Abby asked. Followed by silence.

People are going to be confused. I thought.

"Speaking." Abby said. "Oh hey (Y/N), listen, we're just about to-..... Oh, you and Carlos are coming too?.... Alright, meet you in Alaska..... Bye now." Abby placed her phone in her pocket.

"What's going on Abbz?" Mark asked.

"(Y/N) and Carlos are meeting us in Alaska." Abby replied.

"What about Ana?" Haley asked.

"Carlos doesn't want the baby hurt." Abby stated. "Ana and that baby mean the world to Carlos, so Ana is with her parents in New Mexico until we trap X."

"Oh." Haley said. Suddenly, our flight number was called. I looked over at my team.

"Ready?" I asked. My team nodded. As we walked onto the plane, Abby stopped and turned to me. I paused.

"Rebecca." Abby said. "I never got the chance to say so, but thank you for coming to rescue me at the camp a couple of weeks ago. Also, I am sorry for being stubborn. I wanted to-"

"Protect me?" I asked.

"Yes." Abby replied. "You are our leader and you are my friend. It is my fault you got that scar on your shoulder in the first place."

"Abby." I said. "It isn't your fault. Without you, Morpheus is not the same. Now come on, let's go defeat X." We walked onto the plane.

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