Chapter 2

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My phone dropped out of my numb fingers, smacking onto the tile flooring. I thought heard a distant crack, but I wasn't paying close attention. I was too busy staring at the handsome boy in front of me.

He was wearing the same outfit on as in the dream last night, except today he had on a jacket. I didn't even have the chance to realize how odd that was, that I had dreamed of an actual, flesh-and-blood boy, when my eyes lifted to his wide chest. His t-shirt was tight, tighter than in the dream, and I could see each of his sculpted, perfect muscles move under his shirt. I wanted to reach out and touch them...

His jaw was perfect, leading up to full pink lips that dared me to kiss them. A little further up were his eyes; the brilliant, hypnotizing green that was always the focal point in all of my dreams. His black hair was sloppy, dangling down over his eyes, but looked artfully tossed at the same time.

I realized I had even staring at him like a creeper, and, blushing, dropped my gaze to floor. There I saw my newly cracked phone screen, and, letting out a string of curses under my breathe, I picked it up and examined it. Cracks webbed along the back. "I so prefer the third generation of IPhone. I dropped that thing down two stories and it still didn't crack," I mumbled.

The door chimed once again, and I looked up, instantly recoiling from the doorway.

Kryssi Baggs strutted in, her ripped skinny jeans and belly shirt leaving as little to the imagination as she could while still at school. She clutched a designer bag, and flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder. Her piercing blue eyes analyzed me up and down, taking in my loose T and jeans, pulled up hair, and circles under my eyes.

Kryssi was the 'popular' girl at school, the one every girl wants to be and every guy wants to be with. She's a spoiled rich suck-up who always gets her way. She skated through school manipulating others and making them feel bad about themselves. Oh, did I mention she's head of the cheerleading squad? Yeah, not the nicest bunch of girls.

Her lips pulled back, probably about to let loose a barrage of insults, until she happened to catch sight of the poor green-eyed boy. Kryssi immediately put into play the fakest, whitest smile ever in the history of smiles, and walked over to him. "Hi, my name is Kryssi. Are you new here? You must be, because I'd remember seeing you around."

She eyed him up like a piece of meat, and I internally gagged. I felt truly bad for the boy. After Kryssi was done with him, he'd be kicked to the curb like so many other boys she'd 'dated'.

Thankfully, the secretary jumped in. "Hello, you're... Adam, right?"

The gorgeous boy--Adam-- nodded.

"Come right over here. We'll get you a schedule and sort out your papers. It'll only take a moment, and then Samantha here can show you around the school."

If looks could kill, Kryssi's stare would have murdered me painfully a thousand and one times already. She leaned down towards me and hissed, "I wouldn't get too comfy. By fifth period everyone will know that you're a whore wanting to get her way with the new kid. Remember Kade?"

I gritted my teeth and said nothing back to her. Last year she had spread this huge rumor that Kade and I had hooked up, and everyone bought into it. Why? Because she's the princess of Silverton High, and she gets whatever the heck she wants.

It took less then ten minutes for Adam to get all his papers in order, and then it was time for me to show him around. As we were walking out the door the secretary called out after us. "Welcome to Silverton High!"

I threw a glance back at Kryssi, who was standing in the middle of the room glaring at us. I smirked at her. Joke's on you, you little--

"So, uh, hi Samantha. I'm Adam," Adam said beside me. He held out his hand like a gentleman.

"You can just call me Sam," I told him, taking his hand and shaking it. It was warm, and firm. Oh my Oreos, he was perfect.

We walked in silence for a little while, me just staring weirdly at him, until he cleared his throat. "Um, are you going to show me around, or do I have to find my Chemistry class all on my own?" He smiled slightly at me.

"Wha- Oh yeah, uh, let me see your schedule."

He handed it to me, and I looked it over. My stomach clenched as I realized we had four classes together: Latin, in fourth period; Chemistry, in sixth; team sports, in seventh; and of course, Mrs Treffle, in first, who teaches English. Great, now he gets to see me humiliated and, later, sweaty every day.

"Uh, I'll take you to Mrs. Treffle's room first," I said. "But I can't go in. I'll meet you over by the water fountain after the bell to show you to your other classes."

I walked with him to the other side of the school, then pointed out the water fountain that I mentioned earlier. "Wait there for me, I'll be there ASAP after the bell." I smiled at him. "Have a great first period, see you soon."

I started to turn away, but stopped when I felt his hand on my arm. I spun back around. "Yes?"

He glanced at his phone real quick to check the time. "There's only fifteen minutes left in class, do you want to stay? I'm sure the office won't mind, since you're my guide."

"Oh no, I can't go in there. Mrs Treffle hates my guts. This is my first period too, but you see..." I gestured to the sign that he hadn't noticed. It was still taped to the front of the door. "... We don't really get along that well." I shrugged.

"Then I just won't go. There's only a couple minutes left in class anyway, what's the point?"

"The point is.. Well... I guess there is no point," I mumbled. "Fine, I'll take you to your second period. Who do you have?"

After him reciting the building, room, and teacher, we got on our way. "You know you'll have to sit in the hallway for, like, ten minutes when we get there."

He shrugged his broad shoulders. "I don't really care as long as I have someone to talk to."

We got there and sat on the ground. I looked over to him. "I have to go as soon as the bell rings, but stay by the door at the end of the period. I'll come and get you."


We sat in silence for a little while until he spoke up. "So how long have you been going here?"

"This'll be my third year. I've lived in Silverton all my life." I looked at him. "What about you? Why did you just decide to come on down to Silverton and enroll in Silverton High?"

"My dad got a job here. We had to move because the last job he had sucked."

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall. "This may be a weird question, but have you had strange dreams lately?"

I felt him shift beside me. "No, why?"

"No reason," I whispered, remembering the dream last night. He was real. Oh sugar honey iced tea, I was dreaming of a real boy. Not some paper-and-ink hottie, and real, living, breathing, cute boy who was sitting next to me. It was almost surreal.

The bell rang, so I swiftly stood up, waved bye to Adam, and ran.

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