Chapter 4

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The rest of the day went by in a blur, me having fun with Adam, laughing at him during class and making faces at him behind the teacher's backs during the classes we had together. I learned that his favorite color was blue, same as me, and he was from California. Why would he move to a small town in Georgia from a nice place like California? It was a mystery.

I felt like we were best friends, and had known each other for years. It was the best feeling in the world, so it was no wonder I went home with a huge, goofy smile plastered all over my face.

I had completely forgotten about the dreams.

When I got home, I threw my keys on the counter, yelling out, "I'm hoooooooome!"

My mom appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed comfy-casual in a T-shirt and sweats. Her hair was damp from the shower. When it's dry it's a dirty blonde, but wet, it's a brownish color. She's very pretty, and Hannah says that's where I get my looks from.

"I take it your appointment went well?"

"Yeah, and I take it school went well?" She raised an eyebrow at me, looking at me funny. I realized I still had that stupid grin on my face, and I quickly tried to make it go away. It didn't. Curse my unresponsive facial muscles!!

"There was a new kid today..." I trailed off as my mom practically ran halfway down the stairs and jumped the other half, completely skipping the last four steps.

"Oh my goodness, you made a new friend? What's her name?" She squealed like a high school girl, clapping her hands together.

"His name is--"

"Ooh, it's a guy? That's why you came in all googly-eyed and grinning!" She waggled her eyebrows at me and sang, "Sammy's got a boyfriend, Sammy's got a boyfriend!"

"Wow. I swear, sometimes you act so childish for a thirty-eight-year old women. Oh, and I cracked my phone." I showed her the shattered screen, but it was like she didn't hear me.

"Life's no fun if you don't act like a kid sometimes. Would you rather me be all grumpy and mean?" My very mature mother held up her arm and said, in a grumpy-grandma voice, "you darn kids!"

We maneuvered over to the couch and sat down. I laughed, and my mom turned serious.

"Now, in all cereal, who is this guy?"

"Alright, fine. His name is Adam."

She looked at me, obviously expecting more. "And? What about this 'Adam'? What color is his hair? Eyes? Do you have any classes with him?" She gasped, leaning closer with a devilish look in her eye. "Do you like him?"

My mom was perhaps my best friend. It was kinda sad, but fun. I could talk to her about anything and she would answer like a regular high school bestie.

"He's kinda cute... And sweet... And his eyes are gorgeous... And that hair! Oh my goodness, it's like silk on his head!" I gushed, a smile creeping its way onto my face.

"Aww your first crush!!!" She hugged me, then pulled back. "I want to meet this boy. Bring him home on Wednesday! I'll make a nice dinner to welcome him to the neighborhood!"

She squealed, jumping up and running into the kitchen, probably to find some recipe on Pinterest. She popped her head back in, adding: "oh, and if you don't invite him, I will. It's a very small town, I'm sure someone will get me in touch with his family."

"How do you know it's my first crush? And what if he doesn't want to come?" I called after her.

"The only other crushes you've had were on your books, sweetie. And if you tell me he doesn't want to come, I'll assume you didn't really ask him and made it up so he wouldn't have to meet me!" She yelled back.

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