Chapter 12

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I swung my legs out from my bed, walked toward the door Adam had pointed out, and opened it. The bathroom was almost- if not more- grand than the bedroom.

It was amazingly large. A stand-up shower fit in one giant corner of the room, equip with a dozen knobs, handles, and other random things that I will never know what they do. Fifteen shower heads-yes I counted- lined three walls, pointing in seemingly random angles everywhere.

There was no bathtub, probably because of the hot tub in the other room, but there were two large basin sinks sitting on one wall. A large mirror spanned the length of the wall, hanging above the sinks. The floor was a beautiful parchment color, with a few black tiles strewn throughout the room. Three closets opened onto bundles of towels, toiletries, and anything else I could have needed. It even included bubble bath for some reason I could not explain, considering the lack of a bathtub.

Stripping, I hung my clothes on a towel rack beside the shower, stepping in. After fiddling with the buttons and knobs for a bit, the water rushed out of six shower heads. Unfortunately, it was freezing cold.

"Crap!" I cursed, jumping out of the water. I shivered, then reached toward the closest knob and gave it a twist. Somehow, the water grew even colder.

I snatched my hand back, then looked closer at the knobs. The one I had turned had a blue stone set in the center, so small I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been looking carefully. The one next to it had a red stone, so I thrust my hand into the water really quick to spin that one. The water warmed up considerably, way to hot.

" Ahh!" My arm grew red, and I brought it up to my chest, cradling it gently. "How in the world do I control this thing?"

A knock sounded at the door. "Sam? Are you okay?"

I huffed. "I'm fine Adam, don't come in. Wait, have you been standing out there the whole time?"

If Adam was a peeping tom, it wouldn't surprise me.

"No, I was just putting your clothes away. Now what happened? You screamed." He sounded slightly concerned.

"I burned my arm. This stupid shower is majorly bipolar. It's okay though." No it wasn't. It hurt. Bad.

It shouldn't hurt this much, I thought dully.

"Put something on, I'm coming in." He paused. "There's a robe in one of the closets."

"No! Don't come in, I'm fine! I swear!" I freaked.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, yep, definitely sure. No need to come in." I sighed, relieved.

"I'll be out here if you need me," Adam said uncertainly.

"It's fine," I replied.

I experimented a bit, slowly turning each knob until the water coming out was warm, not hot. I stepped in, feeling the spray splash against my body. I spun the red knob up slightly, closing my eyes as the water kept getting warmer. I jiggled a few handles, satisfied when all the shower heads had water pouring out.

It was like a massage on my body. I stayed under as long as I could, washing my hair, washing my body, re-washing everything. Finally, when the whole bathroom was filled with steam, I hit the only clearly labeled button: OFF.

I felt sad when the water spray shut off, but I stepped out nonetheless, grabbed a towel, and draped it over my body. Wrapping it around me, I walked over to the door and pulled it open.

"Oh my god!"

Adam sat at the edge of the bed, a stack of neatly folded shirts next to him. He jumped up when he saw me, a look of surprise evident on his face.

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