Chapter 14

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Bast locked me in my room.

She stood guard outside, making sure that 1. I didn't get out, 2. Nobody got in.

I sat on the bed for what seemed like days, trying to entertain my bored mind. A couple times I turned on the TV, but of course, they didn't have Netflix. I checked through the games and found Super Smash Bros and Just Dance. I played those for a few hours before I got bored again.

I really wish I had a book. Any book. Even that stupid culture book I had to read for ninth grade would be better than sitting here doing nothing.

I heard the door unlatch and bolted upright, glad that someone was finally coming in after hours of isolation. I swear, if I had been left alone for another hour or two, I would have gone mad.

Adam stepped in, closing the door quickly behind him. He looked weird, though I couldn't tell exactly what made him look that way. New haircut, maybe?

No, that wasn't it. I couldn't put my finger on it.

He stepped up to my bed and sat down, running his fingers through his hair. "So, uh... Hi."

"Hi." I looked at him expectantly. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Aren't you going to tell me what happened? Ya know, after I left?"

"Yeah, right!" Adam thought for a moment. "There isn't much to tell. Just that Set seemed to lose interest in us the moment you were gone. He went out looking for you through the palace disguised as me, but... Yeah."

"He went around looking like you? How did people know which Adam was the real one?" I asked, surprised. "And does Set do that trick often?"

"What, looking like other people? Yeah, whenever he wants something. And he wants you pretty badly," he almost cooed, and my stomach clenched.

Oh god, I'm dead.

"Oh, you've figured it out now, huh? I can see the terrified look in your eyes." Adam's brilliant green eyes flashed red, then back. "I need you to come with me. If you do, we don't have a problem. If you don't, poor Adam will find his favorite mortal hanging from the roof by her neck. Kapeesh?"

I cringed, moving back. "Fine."

I didn't really believe he'd kill me. Apparently he needed me to take over the world or something, according to the real Adam, but I wouldn't put it past Set to non fatally harm me.

"Good girl." Set took me by the arm and hauled me to my feet. It was warm where he touched me, like fire against my skin. "Don't say anything now, be a good little abductee."

He pulled me out the door, into the hallway. I was horrified to see that Bast was lying on the floor, unconscious.

Set barely glanced down at Bast. "She's not dead, if that's what you're wondering."

I had to take his word for it. There's really nothing I could do if she were dead.

"Come on, hurry up." Set jerked my arm, making me wince. Maybe it was just my imagination, but Set's grip loosened a bit after seeing my reaction. "As soon as we get outside it'll be smooth sailing."

"Why can't you just disappear, like you did at my house?"

"There are certain... Precautions set up to make sure people can't just appear and vanish at their will."

"People like you?"

Set glared at me. "Yeah."

We moved through the halls, Set seeming to know the way clearly. In no time we were out into the cool night air. The garden I had seen from my window was to the right of us, with seemingly miles of greenery and flowers. To the left was the grounds. That's where Set led me.

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