Chapter 19

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There was a few moments of silence before I finally remembered to ask about Marcus.

"Hey, uhm, what did you do to Marcus after I passed out?" I asked nervously. I didn't want to find out Adam had killed him or something drastic like that.

"I did what I had to do," Adam's face darkened considerably at the mention of Marcus.

"Which was...?" I prompted.

"I put that lowlife back in his place," Adam practically growled

"How did you? Please tell me you didn't kill him!" I pleaded, begging him to tell the truth.

"Why do you care about him? He tried to kill you! If I hadn't been there, you'd be dead!" Adam snarled. This was not going the way I imagined it.

"I just didn't want you to become a killer," I mumbled, my voice becoming considerably quieter. I didn't want to provoke him any further; he was scary enough as it is.

Seeing the devastated look on my face, Adam sighed, pulling me up off the bed and into his arms for a hug. I resisted for a split second until his arms enveloped me, pushing me into his chest. His head fell next to my ear. I knew he was expecting me to hug him back, but I kept my arms folded in front of my chest.

"I'm sorry. I didn't kill him, I swear. I left him tied up in front of your door, with a note explaining what he did and suggesting some punishments. Set may not be on our side, but he has strict honor codes. When one person tries to harm another for personal gain- if it's not him-, he's there to set it right. So don't worry, I promise I didn't kill him. Alright?" Adam looked down at me, huddled in his arms.

I glanced up at him, nodding slightly. Relief flooded through me, and I allowed myself a moment to revel in it (and revel in his arms. Man, they're strong!).

He laughed, his whole body shaking with the emotion. I pulled away sheepishly, grabbing my book and sitting on the bed with it.

Adam followed me, claiming the spot next to me on the bed. "So, you like the bookshelf? I saw a small one in your other room and realized why you didn't want to come back. A place without books is so dreary, isn't it?"

"Of course! Yeesh, I was bored outta my mind when just that TV was in here. Wait, you did this?" I asked, astonished.

"Well, yeah. While you were unconscious, I got a group to come and help. Oh, and here," Adam pulled something from the air, making it appear out of nowhere. I jumped up, squealing, and grabbed my camera from his hands.

"How did you know? Where did you get it? How did it appear like that?" At the last question, my voice dropped from a siren level to a curious monkey's level. Hey, don't judge the comparison. We're descended from them, aren't we? Besides, Curious George is cute.

"Magic," Adam replied, waving his hands around his head.

I immediately went to turning on the camera, seeing if anything was on it. "Have you checked it out yet? Set got me this two days after he kidnapped me. Look!"

It had blinked on, so I scrolled through the various battle scenes and blackmail photos stored on the device. "That was a couple days ago, I flooded Set's room. Ooh, that was World War Smackdown! I totally beat Set, so he had to give me Mr. Fluffy back. Hold on- Mr. Fluffy!!!"

I wailed in despair, curling up on the bed next to Adam. "Mr. Fluffy!! Noooooooo!"

Adam was majorly confused. "Who's Mr. Fluffy?"

"Only the best, brightest, cuddliest friend of all time!" I moaned, stifling giggles when Adam's face appeared in front of mine.

"Who? Is this an actual person we're talking about here?" He took my face in his hands. "I can get you help, if you want. We have professionals you can talk to-"

"MR. FLUFFY NEEDED HELP!" I yelled, dissolving down into fake tears once again.

Adam sighed, then picked me up and cradled me against his chest, rocking me like a baby. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay, it's all gonna be okay."

I quieted slightly, then realized my tears were real. They dripped down my cheeks, onto his shirt. I really did care about losing Mr. Fluffy.

Yay, backstory time! Okay, so when I was about three my mom gave me Mr. Fluffy. I loved him, so much. We did everything together, from playing house to eating. I had thought I lost him when I was eleven, but it turned out my mom had thrown him away because she thought I was getting "too old for stuffed animals". Needless to say, I cried. Then Set gave me Mr. Fluffy as a constellation prize for being a good kidnappee, and I knew it was him. So, basically, I got him back only to lose him again. It hit hard.

I sniffled again, digging my face into Adam's shirt. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" He asked, moving to catch a glimpse at my face. His fell when he saw the tears streaking my cheeks. "Hey, don't cry. It's all right, really. Cheer up! C'mon, look," he made silly faces in an attempt to bring up my spirits.

It only minimally worked, despite the fact that he looked cute as ever. Adam could tell it in my eyes, so he laid me back down on the bed and laid next to me. "What'll it take to bring that smile back on your face?"

"Mr. Fluffy," I replied.

Adam grinned. "Well then, I'll go get him. Where is he? Er, what is he?" He asked.

"H-he's a teddy bear, in my room at Set's place. I'm pretty sure he's on the bed," I said, hope blossoming within me. "Can you really go get him?"

He reached over and ruffled my hair, leaving it a mess. "Of course, why didn't you say that before? I'll be right back," Adam winked and disappeared.

I sat up, wide-eyed. I thought they couldn't vanish like that in here?

Adam reappeared a few moments later with Mr. Fluffy in his arms.

"MR. FLUFFY!" I screamed, tackling Adam to the ground. Grabbing the stuffed bear, I held myself up on my forearms above Adam.

"You know, this position should be reversed."

"Huh?" I stared down at Adam, trying to figure out what he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"In all of your books, doesn't the handsome protagonist end up wooing the naive, gorgeous girl by accidentally falling on her and winning her heart?" He bat his ridiculously long eyelashes, laughing.

I quickly rolled off of him, then stood up and threw Mr. Fluffy on the bed. I helped him up as I commented, "this isn't a story. This is real. It's not a book, or a fairy tale, or a movie. This is my life, and right now, it's all I've got. So I need to focus. Alright, Ad-"

A boom blasted through the house, causing the whole room to shake violently.

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