Chapter 16

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A hand clamped over my mouth.

I bolted upright, busting out my awesome ninja moves to incapacitate the perpetrator. I knocked him out with this amazingly performed flying spin kick, and tied him up with a scarf from the floor.

If only. Instead, I summoned magic (which is only slightly less cool) and thrust my hand out, causing golden ropes to shoot from my palms, acting as an extension of my arms. The ropes pinned the guy to the wall, leaving him to thrash about wildly while I collected myself calmly.

Instead of panicking, I stood up and walked to the wall, turning on the light. When I spun around to see who broke into my room at night, I got a nasty shock.


The ropes dissipated, leaving Adam coughing on the floor. Glaring at him, I walked up and pulled him to his feet.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"Saving you!" He answered back, massaging his throat. "That hurt, by the way."

I ignored the comment. "What makes you think I need saving?"

"Uh..." Adam looked uncomfortable. "Well, I just kinda assumed that, ya know..."

"That I couldn't take care of myself," I supplied, glaring at him. If looks could kill, Adam would've been dead a thousand times over. "As you can see, I'm doing perfectly fine. Now you can go back to Osiris and we can pretend like this never happened."

Grabbing a book from the bookshelf, I turned and lay on my bed. Opening the book, I ignored Adam, even when he sat down next to me. After an uncomfortable few moments where no one spoke, I broke the silence.

"I'm not going with you, so you can back off and go home." I said casually, my eyes trained intently on my book.

"Why not?" Adam lay down next to me, way to close for comfort. "We need you back, Sam. Bast is consumed by guilt, she thinks what happened is her fault. Osiris seems to place the blame on her, too."

I felt horrible, of course I did. But go back? Why would I go back to that place? Here I had books, knowledge, the ability to use my magic, everything I could want. Back there was only lies and isolation.

Back there was Bast, and Adam, and the sun.

Shut up, mind!


"You should go back because... I miss you," Adam said quietly. "I-I mean, Bast misses you too. So does Thoth. We all miss you."

I glanced over at him. This was getting a little to emotional for me.

The book in my hands found its way to Adam's face, magically! (Not really, I threw it at him. But hey, let's spice it up a bit)

"Hey!" He fell off the bed, a red mark forming on his cheek. I giggled at him.

A knock sounded at the door, and Marcus's voice drifted through, sounding concerned. "Are you alright? I thought I heard something fall! Here, open the door!"

Launching up from the bed, I grabbed Adam and shoved him into my closet, making gestures that indicated something roughly translated as: if you make a sound, I'll kill you. I then replied to Marcus's calls. "Yeah, I'm fine. Be right there!"

Running to the door, I threw it open. Marcus stood there, staring at me. "are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Uh..." He raised an eyebrow. "Are those the same clothes you were in yesterday? And your hair looks like a rat's nest."

"Thanks," I replied sarcastically. "Yes, I wore this yesterday. What of it?"

Marcus sighed. "Whatever. You know Set's still peeved about the bear, right?"

I was confused for a second before I remembered what went down with Mr. Fluffy. Then I grinned. "Yeah! Boo-yah, I won World War Smackdown! TAKE THAT BRAD PITT! WWS AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON THIS!"

"I think Brad Pitt is in World War Z," he pointed out. "And I would hate to know what goes on in your mind."

"Yes you would," I said, smiling evilly.

Marcus looked down the hall. "Uhm, can I come in real quick?"

I checked behind me to make sure Adam was still out of sight before letting him in. "Sure, what do ya want?"

"You," he growled, slamming the door shut and shoving me onto the floor. "Dead."

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