Chapter 1

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I bolted upright in bed, clutching at my sheets. I looked around my room, only barely recognizing the tan colored walls. After calming my heart and realizing the boy wasn't here, I lay back down and covered my face with my hands. The dream, again. Every week, that boy invaded my dreams and nightmares. The only differences in the dreams were the places. Last week we were in the woods behind my house, the week before that we were at an amusement park.

I sat up again and glanced around my bedroom. White shelves filled with books lined the room, and a small television sat on my desk. Posters of books-turned-movies sat in between the shelves of books, testifying to my undying love of reading.

I swung my legs off the bed and stood, stretching. I made my way over to the bathroom in the hallway and switched on the light. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I groaned. My long brown hair, normally pulled back in a ponytail, was a rats nest of tangles. My dark brown, almost black eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep.

My eyes grazed over my tank top and sweatpants, then back up to my face. I don't think I would describe myself as beautiful, but I was pretty. At least, that's what my friends tell me. They also tell me I have an hourglass figure, but I don't see it.

I shuffled back to my bed, glancing at my alarm clock on my bedside table. I flopped onto the bed, groaning again. It was two o'clock in the morning, and I had school tomorrow! I tried to sleep more, but it just wouldn't come. The image of the green-eyed boy was burned into my eyelids every time I closed my eyes.

I rolled over, stood up, and tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen. I couldn't wake up my mom, she had a very important appointment later that day. She needed her beauty rest.

My dad died seventeen years ago in a car crash, two months before I was born.

I opened the pantry, grabbing a box of cookies and a handful of Hershey's kisses, making my way into the living room. I grabbed the remote and flipped on the large flat screen tv, turning on Netflix. I unwrapped a chocolate, popped it into my mouth, and sat down on the couch, pulling a blanket down from the back and snuggling up into it.

Opening the cookie box, I munched on a couple while browsing through the New Releases section of Netflix. I was delighted when I came upon The Avengers. I loved Marvel, they make such good characters! The only good people DC made that were good were Catwoman, the Joker, Superman,and Batman.

I clicked on it, waited for it to load, and swooned over Robert Downy Jr. and Chris Evans. I cheered for Loki, which I probably shouldn't have done, and daydreamed about me being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I found myself nodding off at the part when Loki makes his escape from the Helicarrier. I forced my eyes to stay open, determined to watch the rest of the movie, but failed. I slowly drifted to sleep.


"Wake up, Sam."

I groaned, shifting on the couch and swatting away the hand on my shoulder.

"Go away," I mumbled.

"Fine, but you'll be late for school."

My eyes flew open. "What time is it?"

My mom checked her watch, and I saw that she was fully dressed. "Seven--"

I jumped up, the cookies and chocolate that was still in my lap falling onto the couch. "It's past seven? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I just came downstairs-"

"Make me a bagel please!" I yelled over my shoulder, running upstairs and going straight to my room. I tore open my dresser, throwing on the first outfit I grabbed, then ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and washed my face in record time.

I couldn't afford to be late again. The first time was an accident, but the next twenty-six times it was because I didn't want to go to school, or because my clock "accidentally" shut down in the middle of the night. My teacher, Mrs. Treffle, won't hear any of my excuses anymore. Lately it's been a one-way ticket into the principals office for the whole period if I show up even a second after the bell.

By the time I came back downstairs, my bagel was sitting on a napkin, all buttered up and toasted. My mom was sipping a coffee in the seat across from me. She held up a thermos full of hot chocolate for me, setting it on the counter. I'm not really a coffee kind of girl.

Pulling my hair back into a pony tail, I smiled at my mom. "Thanks, you're the bomb-diggity."

"You're so very welcome, sweetheart." She smiled back at me, obviously suppressing a laugh. "Are you sure you want to go to school like that, though?"

I looked down at my outfit, then mentally slapped myself in the face. I was wearing bright yellow skinny jeans and a neon tshirt, with black running shoes. I looked like a highlighter with legs!

"Be right back," I said, running upstairs and changing into blue jeans and a loose t-shirt, grabbing a jacket from the closet. Running back downstairs, I grabbed my bagel and thermos, checked the time, and nearly cursed out the clock in front of my mom.

"Gotta run, bye!" I threw over my shoulder, jogging down the hall to the door. Biting down on my bagel in my mouth, I opened the door, fished my keys out of my pocket, and unlocked my car. I put my hot cocoa and bagel in the passenger seat, eating on the way.

I finally pulled up, got out, and chugged the rest of my hot cocoa down, nearly burning my throat. I shoved the bagel down after, grabbing my papers from the backseat and closing the door with my foot. Running into Silverton High, I raced down the halls and battled the crowding students. Someone bumped my shoulder, making me spill my papers all over the floor.

I stooped down, restraining a string of curses that very nearly leapt out of my mouth. The bell rang then, signaling the start of class. The hallways cleared out miraculously quickly, and by the time I got all my papers back, the halls were virtually deserted.

I stood up, walking the rest of the way to Mrs. Treffle's room. I was going to get in trouble anyway, so what's the hurry?

I stopped when I saw the sign on the door.

Samantha Johnson, go straight to the principal's office. Do not bother to knock, no one will answer the door. Have a good day.

That witch even put a smiley face at the end! I can't wait until the end of the year, when I'll never have to see her again!

I groaned, turning, and made my way to the office which is, I kid you not, on the other side of the freaking school. Yes, she makes me walk all the way there nearly every day. And yes, I have an amazing butt because of it.

After the refreshing walk I plopped down into one of the large, comfy, plush chairs in the office. I sit in the same one every day, so frequently they should have a plaque that reads:

Samantha Johnson's chair. DO NOT SIT. Reserved.

I looked up lazily as the door chimed, signaling that someone had entered the waiting area, much like a shop.

A parent came in, dropped something off for a kid, and left.

I glanced around at the familiar setting. The desk was a beige color, marble, and had a glass bowl of caramel candy sitting on it. The lady behind the desk was probably hired only for her youth an looks, not for her intellect. Posters lined the walls, saying "not too cool for school", and "love vs tobacco; if you want something to make you breathless and miserable, choose love", or some other corny thing that makes me want to throw up.

I pulled out my phone and started playing a game called 2048. I beat it last week, but it's so addicting I have to continue to try and beat my score. I played for a full ten minutes before I heard the door chime again, and glanced up.

My heart stopped.

The boy with the green eyes, who haunts my every dream, was in the doorway. And he was staring straight at me.



Okay so this is the first chapter and I want to know how you like it. It was really long so you could get an idea of what this book is gonna be like. :-)

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