Chapter 10

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"Is that a threat?" I asked quietly. I felt scared to death, and mad. "If you even touch my mom, I-"

"You'll what?" Daniel laughed. "You'll kill me? Don't worry about that bitch, she never loved you anyway."

I gaped at him, then turned and started to get up. "Get the hell out of my house."

In the blink of an eye, Daniel grabbed my arm and forced me back down into the chair. He tsked at me. "Now now, no running out on the party. This hasn't even gotten fun yet."

My eyes widened as his face shifted into someone that was not Daniel. It wasn't the man from the throne room, the sharp man from earlier, nor the warm and fuzzy man I first met.

He was... Something else.

He had bright red eyes, brown hair, and a lean, dangerous body. It was terrifying, yet somehow oddly beautiful at the same time. He was as crazily sexy as Daniel and Adan were.

"W-who are you?" My tongue felt strangely thick, and I struggled to keep my eyes on his face. It was hard.

"Remember those people I was telling you about? The ones who were looking for you as well?" He leaned closer, his lips brushing my ear. Whispering, he continued. "I'm one of them."

He backed up, placing his hands on my forearms to make sure I didn't go anywhere. "You can call me Set."

"Where's my mom?" I bit out. If this guy wasn't Daniel, or if he was and he's been lying to me, that meant my mom might not be safe.

Set snorted. "She's in her room, I didn't lie about that. Though I don't know why you care. She tried to kill you when you were a baby."

I struggled against him. "You're crazy! Get off me!"

"I'm not even on you!"

"Get your hands off me, then," I growled, and to my surprise, he let go.

I rubbed my arms, where bruises were already forming. "So Adam's in on this, too?"

"No, after he sent you in here I got someone to... Take care of him. He'll be preoccupied for a while." Set smiled.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"What I said I wanted. I want you to come with me. If you want Osiris to force-feed you lies, go right ahead, or you could get real answers." Set chuckled. "You don't even know why they want you, do you?"

I hesitantly shook my head no.

"I'll tell you. Right now, and then if you decide you want more, you can come with me." Set cleared his throat, then eyed me. I realized Adam made the same deal with me before, when I locked myself in my room. "You might want to get a glass of water or something, in case you pass out and I have to wake you up."

"Okay." I got up, walked around the kitchen, and got out a cup. I could feel Set's eyes on me as I made my way to the fridge, got water, and sat back down. I didn't dare try to go along with the plan forming in my mind, for fear that either he'll kill me or he'll kill my mother. Or Adam. Who knows, Daniel might be dead already.

"Alright, nice and comfy? All good? We can start then!" He smiled widely. "Your father didn't die. He was sitting in this room, in this chair, before you fainted earlier. You are the immediate offspring of Osiris and a human. Your mother had no idea what was going on, of course, but when you were born she could see Osiris in you. She knew something wasn't right, so she tried to drown you in a tub. It was very entertaining too, until Osiris had to ruin the fun."

Set pouted, then continued. "He saved you, messed around with Emily's head, and put you right back into that sadistic girl's arms." He grinned at me. "He left you after that, sending random minions and other gods to watch over you, keep me away. You are a very special girl, Samantha. You have incredible potential. I could show you how to use your powers, if you let me."

"I have a couple questions first, before I tell you anything." I was surprisingly calm, but then again, I didn't believe one word that came out of his mouth.

"Go ahead," he said, leaning back in his chair. "Shoot."

"Why did they want to keep you away from me?"

"They didn't want you to run away with me with some crazy dream that you were a long-lost Egyptian princess. I tried that once at a park when you were little, you almost fell for it."

"Okay then... Why would my dad leave me?" I leaned forward.

"He didn't want anyone to know who he really was. He's a selfish man, and he'll keep your powers all to himself." Set replied easily.

"If I have... Magic, why haven't I accidentally used it yet?" In every book I've read, the hero/heroine finds out about their destiny because of accidentally using whatever power they have.

"Ah, now there's a good question. It's because there's a wall in your mind that's forbidding you from using it."

"Can you do something, like with magic? So I know this is all real?"

Set thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "I'll do something even better. I'll teach you one thing, one, and if you want to learn more... Well, you know. You came come with me, yada yada, yeah."


"Here, give me your hands." Set held out his toward me.


"Do you want to learn or not?" When I still didn't obey him, he blew out a breath. "Okay, look. I'm going to give you a burst of my own magic, and make a crack in the wall. It will be up to you to open that crack a little wider, and then what I want you to do is focus on... The water in that cup. Imagine it floating in the air."

I reluctantly placed my hands in his, and immediately felt a strange tingling sensation travel up my arm, through my chest, circulate my whole body, and come to rest behind my eyes.

I gritted my teeth against the feeling, and flinched as it grew sharper and more concentrated. It started to grow painful, and I cried out, feeling something break in my mind.

A flood of warmth ran out of my head, traveling down my body and driving away the harsh tingle. It got hotter, flowing around like liquid gold, stopping in my hands.

"Good. Now look at me. Come on, open your eyes."

I hadn't realized I closed them. Prying my eyes open was a huge effort, but I finally succeded. My eyes landed on Set's red ones, and he took one of his hands away from mine, turning my head toward the cup of water.

"Concentrate on the water.. Watch it rise into the air, and hold it there."

The surface of the water shimmered, rippling like glass under my gaze. A drop flew up, spinning around, and a bunch of others joined it, creating a giant blob of water just floating in the air.

I laughed, poking the water with my free hand. It moved away, breaking apart and reaching out to join together, always changing shape.

I realized Set wasn't holding either of my hands, and I freaked, breaking the spell. The liquid crashed down onto the counter, splashing me, soaking me from head to toe.

I looked over at Set. He was completely dry, and grinning at me.

"See? You did it!" He scooted forward. "That was just the beginning! You can do so much, I can tell."

I felt giddy inside, and laughed again. "That was amazing! How... Why didn't Daniel show me this first? That was incredible!"

Set grinned at me, taking my hands, looking almost as excited as I was. "I know! And I told you already, he wanted to keep your powers for himself. He wasn't going to show you at all."

"What else would I be able to do?"

"Anything! I'll show you. You can come with me, away from Osiris and Anubus, and I'll teach you everything!"

Just as I was about to reply, a strangled yell erupted from the other room.

Author's note

Just wanted to let you know, from now on I will randomly be uploading whatever song is stuck in my head at that time. There will be no order, no reasoning, and most probably the songs will have nothing to do with the book. So yeah. See ya laters!

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