chapter 12

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Liv pov

I heard Matt screaming and I can here the tears in his voice "well what can you tell me?" I spoke up "that im not dead and im right behind you waiting for you to hug me or do something because im freezing and tired" he looked up at me joy was in his eyes he ran up to me and threw me over his shoulder and took me to the elevator "look im so sorry I don't even know that girl and I just-" I couldn't take it anymore I kissed him and he was shocked first and kissed back "what was thag for?" he asked "I dont care what happened" he smiled and kissed me I really like him I went to take a shower and I came out Matt sat there "the princess is back" he laughed "liv im really sorry about everything you dont deserve to be treated like that I swear ot won't ever happen again I promise" "Matt its okay I swear"

2 months later

liv pov

today is Matt's birthday and I can't believe it we've been together for 3 months. I got him so much stuff I can't even count the party started at 7 and it was at our house.All that Matt knows is that he is coming to Cameron's house just to watch a movie but its actually a party for him when he pulled up we all jumped out and said "happy birthday Matthew" he was shocked he ran up to the guys and gave them hugs and he went up to me "happy birthday babe" i said "I can't believe you were apart of this" "yeppppp" I said he laughed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. During the party there was a lot of stuff happening Taylor drunk if course and so was everyone else except Hayes and I I dont drink and Hayes is practically a baby buy it was so funny to see a bunch if drunk people trying to act perfectly fine when they probably won't even remember what happened tomorrow I got to know hayes pretty well hes a really nice kid when all sudden I heard someone screaming I ran outside to see that Matthew was covered in whipped cream I was laughing really hard "oh you think this is funny?" he said I shook my head he came over to me and hugged me "MATT" I screamed he laughed.


It was getting late so we all started leaving I helped Cameron clean up "thanks" he said "no problem" i said "where's Taylor?" i asked he laughed and looked in the direction next to me he was crashed onto a couch "omg" I rolled my eyes "he can stay here seems like everyone else is" "are you sure Cameron?" "positive" "alright im gonna head home" "alright see you later" "bye" and with that I left. there was hardly anyone on the road I looked at the time on my phone 2am well no wonder. it was about a 45 minute drive back home I turned on the radio I was replaying the memories in my head. I looked up to see a bright light no wait a minute two bright lights what? but before I could do anything else I was rolling and i dont know why 

Matt pov

I woke up and Taylor screamed. everyone woke up "Taylor calm down its okay" I heard Nash say "no its not we have to go now" he yelled "whats going on" but before anyone could answer I saw it on the news it was horrible I cried and Taylor ran to the car followed by everyone else

Really short chapter sorry I wanted it to be suspenseful I think thats the word not sure ill update Saturday or Sunday

Taylor's little sister (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now