Is that the look I have that every one says is scary?

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(Pixie's point of view)

We followed Jess until she said to stop.

"I sense some new magic here. It doesn't feel like the magic of any human though" she said.

"I think we've found a unicorn!" Darkness smiled.

"Wait, there's no way it would be that easy" Loki said.

Then black feathers appeared and two dark angels appeared. Both of them had an evil smile on their faces.

"We won't allow you to go any further. It was us that collected the unicorns. We are on an experiment after all. So far it's working" the girl Angel said.

"Well we aren't leaving until we got this job done" I said.

"We'll see about that" the girl Angel spoke. Then she flew above us and blew some sort of dust on us. Although I noticed that she avoided doing Darkness.

Then I seemed to fall asleep.


(Darkness's point of view)

"Loki!" I said as he started to fall down. I used my magic on all of them so they would land softly. Then I came to Loki and felt for his pulse. Thankfully he still had one.

"What did you do to him!" I said. My form seemed to flicker though. One second I had golden hair and the next I had black hair. There was something slightly familiar about the second form though.

"Come with us" the girl Angel smiled.

"Why should I trust you? And why just me?" I asked.

"Be grateful he's still alive Darkness. It should I say Darcilla" The girl spoke.

When she said Darcilla I seemed to be frozen in place as my mind was elsewhere.

"I'm not called the fairy on par with Astro for no reason" a girl with black hair said.

Then her eyes glowed red as she used magic on two others that resembled vampires. As she cast the spell a flash of light passed through the area where the girl was in. Then they lay on the ground and her red eyes returned to normal.

"No. I didn't mean to....." I said.

Then I landed on the ground and when I did I saw Loki running to me.

Then I came back to reality. I looked at Loki then and suddenly fear seemed to wrap itself around me. I don't know why but deep down I knew that the girl with black hair was me.

"Wh......what do you mean by Darcilla?" I asked as I slowly turned back around to her.

"She's a past version of you but you were amazing at what you did. You don't have to be the weakling you've become. I didn't put the spell on you because I'm asking you to join us. At least think about it. Besides, we could help you develop some magic powers you have" the girl spoke.

"What makes you think I would join you! You take joy in hurting others. I don't play that game" I glared at her.

"Fine. We can wait. We aren't vampires but we can wait forever. We're part of the fallen. They are supposed to be a myth so I doubt anyone would believe you should you tell them what you see here right now. But that myth is more true then you'll ever know" the girl said.

"I would never join your side" I said.

"It's only a certain amount of time before you turn into Darcilla. Astro may have gave you another chance at life but what she didn't realize is there's also a cost of removing a dark voice from her head. You were that voice. You just got stuck with her thanks to the destruction of time Astro caused. And the price.....well you feel your powers getting stronger and stronger every day right? That's because Darcilla and you are one and the same and it's her powers awakening up inside of you" the Angel girl said.

"Astro found a way to seal her magic. I can find a way to do mine" I said then.

"From 15, 000 years ago? Without Shara I think not. No one has nearly as much magic power as Shara. Not even Astro. I'll admit her magic is great but once Shara awakens in this generation then we'll all see true magic power" the girl angel said.

"I.........." I said hesitating to come up with a counter argument.

"She'll find a way! I'll never let anything happen to her" Loki said. Then the last of the spell affected him and he closed his eyes.

"Well Loki must be a strong wizard to pull that off" The angel girl said.

"Loki.........." I said thinking. Maybe it would be better for me to stay away from him. What if I got really angry at him and what happened with the vampires happened with him.

Then I took a couple of steps towards the dark angel.

"Tell me more about my past life. I'm curious. Then I'll think about joining you guys. If it will keep Loki from danger I!I'm willing to do anything" I said.

"Come inside. We have a long talk ahead of us" the dark angel said.


(Astro's point of view)

We were riding back to our town and we were laughing and cutting up with each other. When we got off the train though we saw a very worried looking Yeania and Starlight.

"Astro, Wonderman I think the kids might be in some sort of trouble" Yeania spoke first.

"Wait.....why would they be in trouble?" I asked.

"They are old enough. I figured they could go on there first job. Please don't go all demon Astro on me though" Starlight admitted.

"You did what!" I raised my voice at her.

"Well I had no idea that they were gonna be in danger" Starlight said.

I took a deep breath then and looked to Yeania. "What job were they going on?" I asked.

"This job" Yeania said.

"Something is a bit fishy here. This seems like it would be a piece of cake for the kids" I said.

"I agree" Wonderman said after looking the job over.

"And I won't go all demon Astro on you" I said. Then I transformed and when I was finished transforming into fairy form I had a very scary look on my face. "But whoever messed with the kids I will"

Then Starlight hid behind Yeania. "Is that the look I have that every one says is scary?" Yeania asked as she started sweating a little bit.

Then me and Wonderman ran to our destination as quickly as we could.

Astro and Wonderman Book 6 (Book version): Life and deathWhere stories live. Discover now