Caught in the act

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Jimin's POV

I walk inside my house with my son after having to leave my work early once again because my so called husband forgot to pick up our child from school again.



"Harder!!...right there FUCK DON'T STOP!"

Not again.

"Jooheon go to the neighbors across the street and wait there until I go pick you up" I said to my 5 year old trying to sound as normal as possible. Jooheon nodded his head quickly and went out the door.

When my son was out of sight I felt my body begin to shake out of anger.

"Ahh Yoongi!!"

"Fuck...You're so tight"

I've had enough of this damn jackass.

I burst through the door which successfully caught their attention, I wasn't even surprised to see that my best friend was the one being pounded by my husband. They immediately stopped and turned to me, once Yoongi registered what was going on he immediately stood up causing Taehyung to let out a moan which pissed me off even more he quickly wrapped the bed sheet around his waist and looked at me with a very scared expression.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!!" Yoongi tried to explain, his voice filled with guilt and fear.

"I've heard all of this before Yoongi! I've lost count of just how many times I've caught you in the act" I replied going to my closet and grabbing two suitcases a big one and a small one. Yoongi saw this and immediately ran towards me and grabbed my hand, I look him in his eyes that are now filled with tears while my were filled with only hatred.

"Let go" I warned, I'm not the type of person to hate or be angry at others but this man gave me no choice but to feel these exact feelings towards him. Hearing my tone he loosens his grip but didn't let go.

"Please Jimin it was a mistake... please don't leave I need you please" he cried out.

"I come home with OUR child that I had to pick up from school because his whore of a father forgot go get him himself AGAIN, only to walk into our house and hear moans and find you buried balls deep inside my best friend's ass SO I DON'T FUCKING THINK YOU NEED ME AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT WAS A MISTAKE WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS MULTIPLE TIMES!!" I yelled at him while I yanked my hand out of his hold and quickly packed my things.

I grabbed both suitcases with only one being full of my things, I left the large one that's full of my belongings by the door and quickly walked towards Jooheon's room with the small suitcase which didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi.

"YOU'RE NOT TAKING MY CHILD!!" He yelled as he ran out of the bedroom. When he walked into the room he immediately grabbed me and threw me back making me stumble before I caught my balance.

"You're not taking my child Jimin!! You can leave but you're not taking my kid" I scoffed at his words and threw the few shirts I had in my hand in the suitcase.

"You have never acted like a father to him, you have no idea what his likes and dislikes are. Every single fucking time I'm out with him for his birthday or at his school's events or even at the park you're here FUCKING A PERSON ON OUR BED" I yelled at him.

I saw Yoongi's face turn from guilt to anger. I was caught by surprise when he pushed me causing me to hit the shelf on the wall that held toys, pain immediately made it's way through out my body I knew it was going to leave a bruise but its going to be the only bruise I was going to walk out with.

I walked towards Yoongi and immediately punched his stomach causing him to bent forward and I used this chance to elbow him on his back making him fall to the floor completely. I turned towards the door and saw a now fully dressed Taehyung with a frighten face, "I hope you enjoyed it Tae cause from what I know he doesn't go back for seconds" I told him while I walked throughout my child's room and gather clothes and a few toys, it wasn't long before I heard the front door open and close which I assumed was Taehyung leaving.

After closing the suitcase I stood up and began walking towards the door, right when I was about to step out with everything I needed I heard Yoongi call out to me.

"JIMIN please at least let me see him once in a while I'll change if that's what it takes" I knew he was trying to hold back another set of tears. I sighed because I knew he would never change, but I couldn't keep my child from his father.

"No matter what you say I know damn well you will never change. You will always be same.... but I can't keep him from seeing his father I'll bring him around but I won't let him to stay here alone with you....I'll message you when I'll stop by" I said and walked out. I was immediately hit with worry as I thought of where my child and I will go, it was close to night now and I went across the street to get my kid.

I explained to the neighbors that I had left Yoongi and took Jooheon but had no place to go, I then asked them if Jooheon could stay with them for the night while I look for a temporary place to stay at until I settle down, both agreed right away so I said goodbye to my kid who cried in my shoulder when I picked him up. After he finally fell asleep I left his suitcase by the door while I took mine as I left through the door.

"I'll be back before you wake up Joonie"

-Jungkook's POV-

I decided to leave my group practice early for once so that I can surprise Jennie with a date since I haven't had much time for her because of practice. I had bought a bouquet of flowers and some candy, I had plan out the date with fun events first we'll go to the theatre and watch a new movie that came out a few days ago then we'll have dinner and lastly we'll go to a carnival that just opened today.

I was constantly moving around because I couldn't stay still since I was excited to see her face when she sees me, when I heard the door open I immediately ran towards it happily with the gifts but dropped them to the floor and froze at the scene in front of me.

Jennie was kissing another guy.

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