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Jimin was early to the courthouse since Jooheon had cooperated nicely to getting dressed, Jimin had packed extra clothes for Jooheon since he didn't know how long the hearing will take and he didn't want his child to be uncomfortable. Jimin and Jooheon were sitting on the bench waiting for the hearing to start, time past by and it was already 12:30 the hearing hasn't started yet sine Yoongi hasn't arrived. The judge had questioned Jimin if he knew where he was but Jimin only shook his head.

The court decided to start the hearing without Yoongi and just hope he shows up later on, halfway through Yoongi showed up saying he had an important last minute meeting. Things went smoothly after until a certain topic arose.

"with who will Min Jooheon live with?"

Jimin at first didn't think much of the question he believed Yoongi and him had come to terms that Jooheon will live with him, but when he was about to answer Yoongi rose his hand. Things went downhill from then on.

~with Jungkook~

Jungkook and the other were surprised at how many groups there were, once everyone signed in the competition immediately started. Jungkook expected a big turn out since the prize money for finals was $200,000 when last year it was only $20,000. There was 5 stages so each round 10 groups were called Jungkook had no idea when they would be called but as he watched others he grew more nervous.

Time passed and many groups passed on as well as fail, although Jungkook was filled with nervousness he studied every move the groups did. Jungkook didn't forget to to keep Jimin update he messed him almost every 5 minutes.

Time past by and it was already night time, the boys were getting tired of waiting around and it was already 10pm. So far 3 groups are moving onto the finals and the boys still have to compete and win to be able to go to the finals.

"Guys I have a feeling we're gonna be called next I just know it" Hoseok said confidently.

"Hobi you've been saying that every time a round ends finishes" Jin respondes.

"There are only 3 spots left for the finals and there are 6 groups left, he have to wow the judges to be able to get a spot" Namjoon pointed out. Jungkook looked over to the judges and instantly felt a chill run down his spine.

"If we don't get a spot we would still get the participation money so it's not a loss but we have to be amazing guys" Hoseok smiled.

"It would be awesome if we did go to the finales though, I'm sure Jooheon would love seeing us win this whole thing" Jungkook said smiling at the thought of a happy Jooheon.

"You've grown really attached to him Jungkook" Namjoon pointed out. "Yeah I noticed that too" Jungkook agreed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Can you believed he called me 'appa' today, I felt happiness flow threw my body but I also got nervous because I'm not his father as much as I would love to be called his father I can't take his actual father's spot but soon enough I'll be his step father" Jungkook smiled in the end. The rest of the boys were left wide eyed how can this boy move so fast? They may never know.

"Coming up next is BTS versus The Ravens" cheers irrupted once the announcer called up the teams.

"See I was right!!" Hoseok cheered as they moved up to the stage. They walked up with confidence and smiles their nervousness had stemmed to fly out of their bodies.

"We're going to win this"

                            ~The End~

A/N: So yeah this book has come to an end and I'll begin working on sequel soon but I don't know when I'll publish it so please be patient. Also please leave me your thoughts I know it was a trashy ending but I'll probably fix it when I edit it, anyways that's it thanks for reading.

P.S: Who else got fooled by some of their favorite authors or artists today because I did🙌🏻so many times...😪💔I think I died a little😐

P.P.S: I may publish a new book soon so look out for that🖤

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