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Third person POV

Chaotic...that was the only word Jimin can use to describe the place where the competition was being held, all types of music was being shot through everywhere. People where dancing constantly bumping into everyone, "is this a club or what?" Jimin asked. "It's always like this, before any competition they always play music to get everyone in the mood" Namjoon said Jimin nodded as he looked around, he felt a tug on his shirt and quickly looked down only to see it was his son. "Appa can we go dance too?" Jimin instantly nodded, "yeah baby let me just tell Kookie...Jungkook!" Jungkook quickly turned to the smaller when he heard his name. "Joonie and I are gonna go dance come get us when you guys are done ok" Jimin said earning a nod from Jungkook, Jooheon quickly pulled Jimin towards the middle of the dance floor.

Jimin and Jooheon instantly began to dance with the music, everyone stared at the two of them and began to circle around then giving them space and cheered them on. The two of them were to immerse into the music to notice the crowd they had attracted to themselves. Jimin had finally noticed the crowd around them when a man came up to him and circled around him and Jooheon, Jimin knew what the guy wanted but he didn't think it would be a good idea so he slightly shook his head to the man. "Come on man it won't hurt to have a little battle" the man said, everyone then decided to cheer for Jimin to accept causing Jooheon to look up at him with a confused look. "Fine but only one battle" Jimin sighed, "Don't worry shorty after one battle with me you won't want to dance every again" Jimin only scoffed at the man's words before turning to his son. "Joonie baby stay right here and don't move ok" Jimin said earning a nod from his son, Jimin then turned back to the man and both began circling around once the music changed the first to dance was the man.

Jimin had let the man make the first move since this way he would know more about the mans preferred moves, as Jimin watched the man dance he in all honestly wasn't amazed all the dance moves were old fashion and there was a few modern moves mixed in. The man stopped dancing letting Jimin know it's his turn to dance, Jimin stepped forward and at that moment the music stopped. "ALL RIGHT EVERYONE THE COMPETITION IS ABOUT TO BEGINNNN!!!!" An announcer screamed out causing everyone to run towards the necessary place. "Shame you weren't able to dance shorty" the man said as he stepped towards Jimin, "I guess so" Jimin said as he grabbed Jooheon's hand. "Lets have a rematch soon shorty, i would love to see that body dance" with that said the man walked in the same direction of the crowd leaving Jimin shocked. "Jimin come on the groups are starting!!" Jungkook's voice pulled Jimin out of his trance making him hurry to Jungkook's side while Jooheon hurried behind him as he held his hand.

Many dance groups went up and competed before their groups was called up, "NEXT UP IS BTS!!" The announcer yelled Jungkook and the others hurried up to the stage as Jimin and Jooheon cheered for them along with many other, "AND THEIR OPPONENT BLACK WINTER!!" Not many cheers were made compared to the ones made for BTS, the first round was a one on one dance battle against one member from each group the bad part of it is that the members were chosen by the opponents. Black Winter had first choice and decided to choose Namjoon causing the others quietly curse and cry, "That's it we lost this round" Hoseok said as he placed his head against Jungkook's should not wanting to see the match. Namjoon walked confidently to the middle of the stage as he was waiting for his opponent to be chosen by his team, Jungkook looked throughout the other team trying to see who didn't seem like they could dance. Soon enough he picked a tall guy around the same height of Namjoon.

The opponent walked forward and quickly shook hand with Namjoon, both stepped backed and waited for the music to start. Second later an old hip hop sound blasted through the speaker and the tall guy began to dance, he dropped himself to the floor and began to do spins and dragged himself through the floor. Namjoon stared at the man with wide eyes and his teammates looked hopeless as they watched the match, Namjoon looked towards Jimin and Jooheon and both of them only sent him a wink. Soon the song changed into a modern upbeat song causing the guy to move back to his spot since he didn't know how to dance to this music, Namjoon smiled at his luck and quickly stepped forward causing everyone to widen their eyes except Jimin and Jooheon who only had smiles on their faces. Namjoon moved smoothly around the small staged and did a few small tricks, Namjoon kept dancing until the song changed once again into another old school hip hop song but this time Namjoon didn't step back. His opponent stepped up once again and did a few moves that made him seem boneless and Namjoon countered back with moves that included popping making his opponent hesitate.

Desperate to end the match his opponent did a backflip but hadn't seem to earn many cheers since it wasn't timed well with the music. Namjoon stepped backed making the opponent smirk, Jungkook and the others looked down knowing that Namjoon wouldn't be able to counter the move. "Do the move now!!" Jimin screamed, Jungkook and the others quickly looked at the smaller and then at Namjoon seeing a smirk on his face. Namjoon ran four steps forward before jumping in the air and did a full spin and landing on his foot timed perfectly with the last beat of the song. Jungkook and the others were speechless the same as Black Winter and the crowed, Jimin and Jooheon cheered happily causing the crowed to cheer with them pulling both opponents out of their trance. Namjoon was the Winner since he earned 20 points for his final move and his perfectly timed ending. "Where the hell did you learn those moves and that air spin because Jungkook and I never showed you any of those!!" Hoseok asked loudly once Namjoon returned next to them, "Jimin decided to teach me some moves yesterday since he felt that I would be chosen for the dance battle" Namjoon chuckled as he saw his teammates expressions. "When did he teach you, I was basically glued to his hip yesterday?" Jungkook asked confused.

"It was while you guys took an hour long break and in the afternoon today he corrected any mistakes I made" the members couldn't help but be left breathless Jimin was certainly a god. BTS won the first round since Namjoon had won against his opponent, the second round began seconds later this time it was a partner dance battle. Two of Black Winter's dancers quickly came to the middle of the stage, Jungkook and Hoseok soon followed they shook hands and walked back to their side of the stage with smirks on full displayed.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated at all in like forever I have just been busy with school and I'm trying really hard to balance school and writing. I've been buried with a lot of projects and school work and I never seem to get a break because when I finish one project a whole new one if thrown at me. I've tried to write some chapters but I could never finish them in one go and I have worked on the epilogue from my previous work, it seems that for now my updates will be very slow so just hangs in there please I'll do the best I can because I don't want to have put it on hold because I know that I'll either forget about it or become to lazy and just abandon it. Anyways thank you for reading and please tell me what you think about the story so far.

Ps~ sorry for the grammatical mistakes I didn't have time to edit😓

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