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-Not proofread-

"Wednesday of next week"

Jimin felt his stomach drop the competition is on the same day of his hearing just how lucky is he.

"It also says all groups have to be at the location at noon to sign in since there is going to be lot of participants" Namjoon continued. At this point Jimin just felt like the world was against him, Jimin was upset he wouldn't be able to go to the competition but he knew things like this happen. Jimin worried more about his son than himself really he knew how much Jooheon loved watching the group dance he could see it in his eyes.

"What's wrong Chim?" Jungkook asked as he looked at the older. Jimin told Jungkook about the hearing causing the younger to frown. "Jooheon will be really upset he really enjoys watching you guys dance" Jimin looked towards Jooheon who was dancing with Jin and Namjoon. "I'm sure he'll be fine hyung he'll understand the situation, he may be young but he is very mature" Jungkook knew Jooheon would understand the situation even if he would be quite upset.

~day of the hearing~

Jimin was currently chasing Jooheon around the apartment to get him dressed for the hearing. Jooheon took the new about not being able to go to the competition pretty well, he did shed a few tears but didn't complain. Jimin had gotten changed first since he had a feeling Jooheon wouldn't cooperate, Jimin was trying to get him to wear a suit that matched his but Joonie wanted to wear the group shirt. "Joonie you can't wear that shirt baby you have to look nice" Jimin said as he grabbed onto one side of the couch, "But Joonie want to support Kookie appa group" Jooheon responded as he continued to runaway from Jimin.

Just when Jooheon ran into the hallway to go into his room Jungkook grabbed him and carried him towards the older. "Now why are you giving your eomma such a hard time?" Jungkook asked nicely, "Joonie want to support appa" Jooheon answered as he pressed his face into Jungkook's neck. Jungkook and Jimin froze, 'Appa' echoes through their minds.

"Joonie....I'm not your appa" Jungkook said quietly. Jungkook could feel the child tense and began to shake, moments later cries began to leave the child causing Jimin and Jungkook to go wide eyed. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jimin asked as he tried to hold Jooheon but he wouldn't let go of Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook made his way towards the couch and sat down having the small child straddle him. "Why are you crying Joonie?" Jungkook asked him and he softly patted the child's back. "Kookie said he not Joonie want Kookie appa" Jimin felt his heart clench and he wasn't the only one Jungkook almost teared up and the child's words. "Joonie..." Jungkook smiled softly at the boy before he sat him on his lap making him face him.

"Joonie how about we make deal ok.....if you get change into your suit and behave today I'll be your appa" Jooheon immediately nodded causing both Jungkook and Jimin to smile. "Alright he's all yours Chim" Jungkook said as he looked up to the older who mouthed a thank you.

"I should get going I'm meeting up with the others at the studio" Jungkook said as he placed Jooheon on the ground and stood up, "Don't you want a ride Kookie? that's a 25 minute walk I can drop you off when we're leaving" Jimin asked as he walked towards the younger.

"Hyung the courthouse is in the oposite direction I'll be find don't worry" Jungkook assured as he grabbed his things and made his way towards the door. "Alright then I already packed everything for you this morning so don't worry, don't hurt yourself and remember to keep me informed I don't know how long the hearing will take but I'll be sure to pick you up when the competition finishes" Jimin hands Jungkook his water bottle which he almost forgets. "I'll text you everything I have to go now or I'll be late" Jungkook have Jimin a quick forehead kiss and ran down the hallway.

'I hope everything goes well'

A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday my parents decided to have some family time so I wasn't able to write also sorry for this trashy chapter I honestly don't know what i wrote🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways good news I don't have school tomorrow so I might be able to update if I don't get busy.😁

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