First love

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Jimin's POV

I grabbed Jungkook's hand and gave it a slight squeeze because I know that always calms him down, I could tell that beyond that door was his ex so I wanted to let him know that I was there for him. I could feel that his anger was beginning to subside, I looked up and saw that he was now calm.

"Thank you, I would have probably done something reckless if I went in there angry" Jungkook said while smiling at me, I just smiled back at him I was glad that I still know him like the back of my hand.

"Lets go in I'll deal with my ex first then we'll settle you in" I decided to stay close to Jungkook because if his ex is anything like mine then things will probably turn bad. I walked in and looked around I was surprised at how homey it felt. I quickly followed Jungkook to the living and see a girl who I'm guessing is his ex.

"You're finally back" the girl says happily.

"What are you still doing here I gave you enough time to pack your stuff and leave" Jungkook said calmly, I'm proud that he's not yelling at her.

"I decided to not leave Jungkook I thought about it and I can't leave you, while I was packing my things I realized that I gave 4 years of my life to you so I'm sure we can work it out, I know what I did was wrong but we can work through it. I know you love me and you'll do anything to make this relationship work, I decided to end my other relationship tomorrow" I couldn't believe what I was hearing from this girl, I started to become angry at her words and it wasn't helping that she was now holding onto Jungkook's hand while she smiled up at him. I look up to Jungkook to see if he's fine but all I see is an expressionless face.

"I know you're happy that I'm staying but for me to stay and be happy here you have to leave that stupid group of yours and get a real job we can't keep living in this apartment" you're kidding me right who does she think she is?! why is she trying to control Jungkook? I look up to him only to see that he was now slightly mad. This isn't going to go good, I say in my mind I was getting even more angry at the girl as she continued her ridiculous commands.

"Anything else?" I was shocked at what Jungkook had asked is he really planning on following these commands? he told me that his group is like his family and his safe haven is he really planning on giving all of that up just for this one girl?

"Yes actually I know you want to have kids and I thought about it for a good 5 minutes but I don't and since I'm the one who's going to suffer with that I believe I have a say in that matter, so we're not having kids and I don't want to adopt either I don't want any kids in general because they take up a lot of time and I want to go out and do things with my friends, I don't want to have to give up my freedom just for some disgusting and annoying kid." I was burning with rage at this point, I'm a parent and my kid is my whole world so her remarks on children boiled my blood.

Jungkook's POV

I didn't think she was going to criticize children but when she did I was angry, I quickly looked to Jimin who had a look that can kill and I knew what he was about to do, he may be small but he is really tough. I quickly let go of the handle of the suitcase and at that moment Jimin ran towards Jennie I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him towards me, he had still managed to grab some of Jennies hair and pulled it causing him to rip them out, if she didn't know he was here before she sure does now.

"What the hell!! Who the hell are you!?" She screams out while holding the place Jimin ripped her hair out.

"I'm a fucking parent, you disgusting bitch!" Jimin yelled while trying to get out of my hold only causing me to tighten my hold. "Jungkook he ripped my hair out, what is he doing here? Take him out of our home" I couldn't help but laugh at what she was saying "Stop laughing at beat him up for hurting me, your my boyfriend so defend me" Jimin had finally stopped moving in my arms so I decided to let him out of my hold, I turned my attention back to a crying Jennie and gave her an irritated look.

"Last time I checked we broke up" I said earning a happy smile from Jimin I then put my arm around his shoulder causing him to give me a side hug, Jennie just gave me a confused look. "Jungkook I told you I'm not leaving you, you're my boyfriend why are you hugging the guy that just hurt me who is he anyway?" she asked clearly mad. I knew she wasn't going to leave easily which made me mad.

"He's my first love so just get out" I answered earning a surprised look from Jennie and a smile from Jimin. Jennie immediately screamed.

"YOUR LYING JUNGKOOK YOU'RE NOT GAY! YOU SAID I WAS YOUR FIRST LOVE AND EVEN SO WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVEN CHOOSE A DISGUSTINGLY SINGLE PARENT WHEN YOU CAN HAVE ME" I felt Jimin shake in my hold and I knew it wasn't because he was cold, I had to end this before things go to far and someone ends up dead and that someone might be me from the angry look that Jimin was giving me.

"Jennie I never said you were my first love, Jimin had all of my first so just get out" I said strictly causing her to furrow her brows. "Jungkook stop it you love me" she says furiously.

"I don't love you Jennie, I love Jimin" I said surprising myself and everyone in this room.

"I don't believe you if you really love him prove it" she said.

"What do you want me to do fuck him right here in front of you" I asked not even thinking before I speak earning a hit on my chest from Jimin, I chuckled at the slight pink blush on his cheek.

"Eww no" I heard her say before I could suggest anything else I felt Jimin pull me down and moments later I felt his lips on mine.

Not a second later I responded and began to kiss back I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck I didn't know I had missed this until now, already forgetting that Jennie is right in front of us I tilt my head to deepen the kiss. I start moving my hands lower and until they're behind his knees I swiftly pick him up and he quickly wraps his legs around my waist. He begins to play with my hair with his hands I began walking towards the couch and sit down with Jimin on my lap, I start moving my hands up and down on his back and when I feel his ass I give it a squeeze causing him to gasp I took this chance to insert my tongue in his mouth and taste him.

"STOP IT" Jimin immediately pulled away, I pouted at that causing him to laugh which made me pout more.

"What the hell did you do to Jungkook you disgusting pest" Jennie said as she walked towards us causing Jimin to get up my from my lap and stand up to her, I swear he just gets hotter and hotter, I say to myself as I get up and pull Jimin towards my chest once again.

"Jennie you better leave before I take you out myself" I said strictly.

"You would never hurt me Jungkook you're to softhearted to do that" she said sassily, she was right I could never hurt a woman but right before I could say something Jimin spoke and his tone and words probably gave me an actual boner.

"He might be to sweet for that but I'm sure as hell ain't, so get your shit and get the hell out before you end up leaving in a trash bag cut up into pieces" he threatened with a deeply husky voice. I looked to Jennie and I could see fear in her eyes and I couldn't do anything but smirk.

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