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Third person POV

Jimin was currently unpacking Jooheon's things in the spare bedroom while Jungkook played with Jooheon in the living room. Once Jimin finished he walked out of the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast, luckily Jungkook had the ingredients to make pancakes. After a while Jungkook came into the kitchen with Jooheon in his arms "What are you making?" Jungkook asked startling Jimin. "Yah Jeon Jungkook don't scare me while I'm using a pan!" Jimin said as he turned towards the younger, Jungkook and Jooheon laughed at how scared the older was. "I'm sorry hyung" Jungkook apologized causing Jimin to smile at him. Minutes later breakfast was finished and the three ate happily, Jimin dressed Jooheon in comfortable clothes while he dressed himself in his work clothes which was sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, he was a dance teacher so he didn't need any fancy clothes. Jungkook quickly changed into a t-shirt and jeans while he packed sweatpants and a t-shirt in a sport bag for practice later on. Jungkook was going to the daycare first and after he was planing on going to practice.

The three were leaving until Jimin realized something, "OMG where is Joonie gonna go after daycare, I can't pick him up since I won't be able to leave early again" Jimin grabbed his hair as he tried to think of something. "What time do you get out of work?" Jungkook asked as he held onto Jooheon. "Around 7:30 or 8" Jimin answered, "How about I take Jooheon with me when I leave and take him to my practice, it close to the day care and all of my hyungs will surely love him" Jungkook suggested. "Omg you're such a life saver" Jimin exclaimed as he hugged the younger, Jungkook just chuckled and suggested that he get going before they're late for work.

Jimin walked towards the entrance of the daycare since he had to inform the workers that Jungkook would be taking Jooheon with him after he was done, the workers only nodded letting them know that it was all right with them. Jimin quickly waved goodbye to the other two and made his way to work Jungkook had offered to lend him his car but he refused since his work is only a 10-15 min walk from the daycare.

~Time skip~

Jungkook was getting ready to leave, he grabbed his sport bag and looked around for Jooheon he quickly found him in the play pen with other. "Jooheon it's time to go" Jungkook said causing Jooheon to look up at him and smile, he quickly got out of the play pen and made his way to Jungkook and grabbed his hand. They waved goodbye to everyone and made their way to his car. Once they made it to where the practice was being held which was just an unused building that the owner allowed them to use whenever they needed, Jooheon immediately went behind Jungkook's legs when he went out of the car. Jungkook chuckled at the little boy and quickly picked him up.

"You don't have to be scared Joonie, I won't let anything happen to you ok" Jungkook assured him making him smile widely and nod.

"Jungkook you're finally here!!! Wait whose kid is that? OMG YOU HAD A BABY AND YOU DIDNT TELL US!!" A voice screamed out.

"WHO HAD A KID?!" Another voice said.


"WHAT?!?!?!?" Two voices said at the same time. Jungkook only sighed and walked through the door with Jooheon in his arms, immediately Jungkook was interrogated by his hyungs. "Sorry to say this Kook but I'm 100% sure that he isn't your kid, that girl was always with a different guy everyday" Jungkook just stared wide eyed at his friends, "okay guys he isn't my kid, he's Jimin's" Jungkook said only to be met with confused looks by everyone. "Namjoon hyung Hoseok hyung he went to the same college....the guy I dated and broke up with because people wouldn't stop saying that we wouldn't last because we were together since high school "finally Namjoon and Hoseok realize who he was talking about while Jin was still confused. "Oh...I always remembered him as Chim or baby since that's all you ever called him" Namjoon said as he laughed while Hoseok agreed.

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