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Third person

Jimin and Jungkook woke up pretty late since it was the weekend and both of them didn't have to go to work. Jimin made breakfast while Jungkook helped Jooheon shower since he wasn't able to last night, Jimin then decided to make a call while he was cooking.

"Hey I'm going to drop by with some papers in an hour or two since I know you're not working today.....yes I'll bring him by with me but we're not staying for long.....I'm not going to tell you where we're staying at...I'll see you later bye"

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked as he stepped into the kitchen causing Jimin to jump once again, "what did I tell you about scaring me Jungkook" Jimin said as he placed his hand over his heart. "Sorry but where are you taking Jooheon?" Jungkook asked again as he leaned on the counter. "I'm going to my husband's and taking Joonie with me" Jungkook didn't like that, he didn't like how Jimin said the word husband. "I don't want you to see him and I don't want Joonie going either" Jungkook said, Jimin looked into Jungkook's eyes and saw that he wasn't very pleased so he quickly turned off the stove and walked towards the taller and began to stroke the younger's arms.

"I have some business to take care of with him, also Joonie has to see his father and sadly that man is his father" Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and looked down at him and sighed deeply. "Can I come at least?" Jungkook asked, Jimin immediately nodded since he didn't see a problem with it. Jimin then tried to move back to the stove to serve the breakfast but couldn't move since the taller had a tight grip on his waist.

"Jungkook you seem to be very comfortable with doing all this couple stuff" Jimin said as he walked to the stove while Jungkook walked with him while he backed hugged him and place his chin on the smaller's shoulder. "Well I finally have you in my arms again even though we're not official yet I'm still going to act like we always did, also you don't seem to have a problem with it" Jungkook said. Jimin leaned into the younger as he placed his hands on top of his, "yet?" He asked as he turned his head to look at the other. Jungkook nodded his head before answering.

"We can't be official until you divorce Yoongi hyung. After that you're all mine" Jungkook said causing Jimin to laugh, "what makes you think that I'll be yours?" Jimin said.

"You love me hyung, you have loved me since we first met" Jungkook said as he tightened his hold on the smaller.

"I can't fight you on that" Jimin said as he smiled.

"Once the two of you are officially divorced you're mine and only mine, this time I'm not letting you go"

"I'll only be yours"

~Time skip~

Jimin and Jungkook were now in front of Jimin's old house that never really was his home. Jimin knocked and the door immediately opened, Yoongi looked like a mess and it has only been a day and a half since Jimin left. Yoongi immediately pulled Jimin into an embrace causing Jungkook to become angry forcing himself not to lash out.

"Jimin I'm sorry I really am, I promise I'll change and be loyal to you and our kid just please come back" Yoongi cried. Jimin only walked inside the house and sat on the couch causing Yoongi to quickly follow after. Jungkook couldn't believe that the older didn't even spare a second to see if his kid was there or even greet him, Jungkook only grabbed Jooheon's hand and walked in closing the door behind him.

"Sign these papers" Jimin said as he set a big envelope filled with papers on the coffee table in front of the older. Yoongi grabbed the envelope and pulled out the papers slowly to read what they were. After reading them he threw the envelope to the wall causing Jooheon to hide behind Jungkook's legs.

"I'M NOT DIVORCING YOU JIMIN!!"Yoongi yelled causing Jooheon to begin to shake, Jungkook felt the kid shaking which upset him because he didn't like to see him scared. Jungkook immediately carried Jooheon and whispered sweet things in his ear causing him to calm down, Jimin saw this and couldn't help but get angry at the fact that Yoongi scared his child. Jungkook saw that Jimin was upset and quickly walked towards him and rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

"Who the hell are you? why the fuck are you in my house? and why are you carrying my kid and touching my husband?" Yoongi asked once you noticed Jungkook's presence, Jimin couldn't help but scoff.

"I'm going to have to ask you not to curse while Jooheon is around and as for who I am my name is Jeon Jungkook" Yoongi didn't like that fact that Jungkook was touching his child and Jimin.

He began to step forward but Jimin was quick to step in front of him and glared at him. "Don't even think about starting a fight when Jooheon is around I don't want to scar his childhood with having to witness his parents fighting so sign the papers now and we could leave in peace" Jimin said, Yoongi glare at Jungkook who was completely unaffected since he was too occupied with a now laughing Jooheon.

"You're really leaving me for that guy?" Yoongi asked as he glared at Jungkook. "No I'm leaving you because I'm sick and tired of you cheating and not acting like a father to your kid" Jimin said as he walked to towards the envelope and quickly grabbed it then shoving it to the older's chest. "Sign them"

Yoongi sighed and grabbed the envelope taking out the papers and skimmed through them before signing where it needed to be signed. Jimin quickly grabbed the papers and placed them back in the envelope saying a thank you. Yoongi talked with Jooheon for a bit while Jungkook had his hand around Jimin's shoulder pulling him closer to him, Yoongi saw this and couldn't help but glare at Jungkook. After an hour Jimin and Jungkook decided to leave.

On their way back they turned in the envelope where it needed to be turned in, now they were only going to have to wait to be contacted for the date of the court meeting to finalize their divorce. Jimin was happy that soon enough he'll be back to Park Jimin.

It was 3pm and Jungkook decided to text the others so they could have a little practice before the competition. Once he received an ok from everyone he began to drive to their practice place, once they arrived Jooheon quickly took his seatbelt off and got out of the car causing Jungkook and Jimin to chuckle at his excitement. Jungkook and Jimin quickly got out and followed Jooheon, Jungkook unlocked the door with his spare key and immediately Jooheon ran inside. When Jimin walked in he saw his kid already stretching making him smile, Jungkook went to Jooheon's side and stretched beside him. Jimin smiled before joining them soon everyone else arrived and they soon began to practice, Jimin watched the group danced and noticed how his son watched them also with so much admiration.

After two hours of practicing the group decided to get ready for the competition, they kept their matching shirts and sweaters in the building so they didn't have to go back to their homes and get them. Soon enough they were on the road to where the competition was held Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok rode together in Namjoon's car while Jungkook, Jimin, and Jooheon were together in Jungkook's of course. "You nervous?" Jimin asked Jungkook since he noticed how tense the younger was, Jungkook immediately nodded causing Jimin to chuckle and grabbed the younger's free hand as he assured him that he'll do great Jungkook instantly relax and used his thumb to stroke Jimin's hand.

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