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Third person POV
A week passed and Jimin and Jooheon have joined Jungkook to his practices and Jin even gave both of them extra uniform shirts he had at his home. It was luck that he had one in Jimin's size, Jooheon still had to grow into his but the boy was happy which made everyone happy. Jimin and Jungkook were currently sitting on the couch in the practice room as they watched Jooheon practice the new dance moves, it was the weekend and neither of them had to work so they decided to call everyone over to practice for sectionals which they still haven't been told when it was so they decided to practice like crazy until they knew. Jungkook decided to practice along with Jooheon while Jimin laid down deciding to take a nap.

Just as Jimin was drifting to dreamland he felt his phone beginning to vibrate, knowing it was a call he quickly stood up and fished out his phone only to see was an unknown number, Jimin quickly ran outside and answered the call.

"Good morning is this Min Jimin I am speaking to?"
"Yes this is he, who am I speaking too?"
"Hello Mr. Min I work with the court and I am calling to inform you that the date for your hearing has been set"
"Oh ok when will it be?"
"We have it set for Wednesday of next week at noon since it's the earliest time available"
"It will be fine thank you for calling me"
"Have a lovely day Mr.Min"

Jimin disliked being called Mr.Min but he was happy he will soon be Park Jimin again.

Jimin spent half an hour on the phone with Yoongi telling him about the hearing, the call should have been a maximum of 10 minutes but Yoongi wanted to talk about seeing Jooheon and tried to change Jimin's mind once again.

Once the call was cut Jimin made his way back inside to find the group practicing.

"Hey when did everyone get here?" Jimin asked.
"We got here a few minutes ago but you were too busy on the phone to notice" Namjoon answer as he sat down and drank from his water bottle. Jimin nodded and made his way towards his son, practice went on same as always the boys being drenched in sweat and panting like crazy.

They decided to take a break and just as everyone was catching their breath a sound came from Namjoon's phone. Everyone turned towards the taller who seemed to be very focused on the text.

"They sent me the date for sectionals" he voiced.
"When is is?" Jungkook asked as he and Jooheon showed the same face the held anticipation.
"Wednesday of next week"

A/N: Im back everyone though I'm sure you guys didn't miss me. I still haven't grasped my motivation just yet and now that the end of the school year is closing in I am kinda freaking out. I decided to end this story this weekend in 1 or 2 chapters and maybe do a sequel to it later on. I want you guys to enjoy the reading so I don't want to give you any bad material, any ways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter even if it is really short I guess my plan for this story didn't go as I hoped it would but these things happened. Anyways I'll see you all tomorrow🖤

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