Family Moment

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Third person POV

The competition ended quickly with Jungkook's group ending up in 1st which meant they were heading to sectionals. After watching a few more groups Jungkook had told Namjoon and the others that Jimin and him were going to head back home since it was late and Jooheon was already asleep in Jimin's arms. Once Jungkook and Jimin arrived to the apartment building they hurried upstairs to their floor and placed Jooheon in his bed.

"So how did you like the competition?" Jungkook asked in a whispered as they headed out of Jooheon's room. "Yeah it was an interesting experience and I liked it a lot since there wasn't any alcohol around while we were there" Jimin answered as they walked into their shared bedroom. "They don't serve any alcoholic drinks until the competitions are over so that any members of dance groups are completely sober" Jungkook assured as he took off his shirt to get ready for bed. Jimin stared at the younger's built chest and Jungkook swore he saw a bit of drool roll down the older's mouth causing him to chuckle and pulled the smaller by his waist towards his still naked chest earning a small gasp.

"You are aloud to touch me don't be shy" Jungkook said as he grabbed the smaller's hand and placed it on his chest, "Jungkook...I'm still technically married" Jimin whispered as he pulled his small hand back immediately missing the warmth of the younger's chest. Jimin's walked towards their shared bed and laid down Jungkook immediately followed after and set himself in in the smaller's arms.

"The moment you're officially single again you're mine hyung" Jungkook said his voice full of tiredness. "I know Kookie ah  you already told me now go to sleep you sound very tired.." when Jimin didn't receive an answer he looked down only to see the human size bunny already sleeping as he cuddle more into the older's embrace.

"I guess I'm the big spoon tonight" Jimin whispered to himself as he fell asleep also.

The next day

"Jooheon hurry and wake Kookie up so we can eat together" Jimin called from the kitchen to his son who was playing with his toys in the living room. Jooheon hurried to the bedroom and managed to wake the boy up by a rather painful jump, Jungkook shot up immediately and held the boy just in case he would fall. "Joonie what was that for?" Jungkook asked his voice giving away how sleepy he still was, "appa ask Joonie to wake Kookie up, sho we can eat together" Jooheon answered as he smiled up Jungkook. Although Jungkook was still sleepy and would rather much keep sleeping he stood up and made his way the the kitchen while he was still holding Jooheon.

When he walked into the dining room he was welcomed by a wonderful site. Jimin moving back and forth from the Kitchen to the dinner table with plates filled with food in a oversized shirt which Jungkook was 100% sure it was his since he was sure he fell asleep in it.

"Did you take off my shirt while I was sleeping" Jungkook asked as he placed Jooheon on the floor who was quick to run back to the living room. " looked comfy okay" Jimin answered as he sat down at the table followed by Jungkook and Jooheon. Jimin enjoyed the scene and the feeling it truly felt like a family moment.

I'm truly sorry it took me forever to update and I'm even more sorry that it's so short but I've been struggling with school and I feel like I'm losing my motivation to write since I have writers block....I think I'm going to put my book on hold and wait for my inspiration to come back to me..I'm sorry for this I really never wanted to do this but I don't want to write any bad chapters. I'll see you guys when I begin writing again but I am truly thankful for you guys thank you so much.🖤

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