Feelings never changed

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Third person POV

Jennie decided to leave but not before calling her other boyfriend to pick her up, Jungkook took all her boxes outside so that they won't have to go inside and get them.

"Thanks for what you did hyung" Jungkook said shyly, Jimin smile at how shy Jungkook was he looked cute in the elders eyes. "You're welcome Jungkookie" Jungkook smiled at the nickname he hasn't heard in years.

"I missed that nickname, you remember mochi?" Jungkook asked as he remembered the elders nickname he came up with years ago, Jimin laugh at his old nickname. "How can I not" He said.

"You called me that because you claimed that I was cute like one" he continued with a smile, causing Jungkook to laugh at his explanation.

"I really miss those times hyung" Jungkook said with a sigh, Jimin smiled as he agreed with the younger. Those were indeed his favorite times when he proudly announced that the younger was his.

"Those were the best times of my life, I had the one I love and I was happy. Confessing to you was one of the best choice I have ever made" Jimin said while looking at the younger.

"What happened to us hyung? We were so perfect together, we loved each other so much" Jungkook asked as he looked at the smaller.

"We were high school sweet hearts Kookie, people kept saying we won't last and that got to us so we broke it off, letting you go is the number one thing I regret the most" Jimin said sadly.

Tears started to build up in Jungkook's eyes as he recalled the day they ended their relationship.

Jimin had asked Jungkook the meet him in front of the dorms after school. He knew what was happening because he was going to do the same, when Jimin showed up he instantly told Jungkook that they should break up. Jungkook agreed but still felt upset not at Jimin but at everyone that had told them that they won't last because they're high school sweethearts. They had agreed to stay as best friends like how they were before they got together, occasionally they would forget that they were no longer dating and would kiss, make out, or even have sex.

When Jimin had told Jungkook he had a boyfriend the younger cried and so did Jimin. They both knew that they would never lose feeling for each other because they were each others first love.

"Jungkook lets go to sleep now since I have to pick up Jooheon tomorrow morning" Jimin said trying to lighten the mood, "yeah sure lets go to my room and sleep" Jungkook replied as he walked towards his bedroom with Jimin following behind.

"Are you serious I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you" Jimin said once he saw how small the bed is, Jungkook smiled when he noticed the deep pink blush on Jimin's face. Jimin kept saying that he'll sleep in the spare room or the couch, but Jungkook just told him to change into his PJ's which he did, when he was done changing he began walking towards the door but Jungkook ran to him and caught him by surprise when he started carrying him bridal style to the bed. He set Jimin down and quickly got in himself he pulled the blanket over them and placed and arm over Jimin's waist pulling him so that he was now pressed against him and Jimin's head was against Jungkooks chest.

"You're sleeping with me from now on ok" Jungkook said sternly.

"You haven't changed at all since I last saw you" Jimin said as he smiled, deep down he wanted to be with Jungkook once again but he just couldn't place the younger with a burden of raising someone else's child.  He knew that Jungkook would be an amazing father figure since he has known him since freshman year in high School but he had troubled the younger enough.

"I lo-" Jimin didn't hear Jungkook's last words since he fell asleep, but he knew what he tried to say and he couldn't help but smile, soon enough he fell asleep also.

"I love you too Kookie"

~In the morning~

Jungkook woke up feeling cold, he moved his arms around trying to find the boy that gave him warmth throughout the night but couldn't find him. Jungkook immediately woke and looked around for the smaller, he jumped out of bed not bothering to put on a shirt as he walked throughout his apartment but still couldn't find him. Where did he go? He asked himself, he couldn't call or text him since he didn't have his new number. Maybe he went out for a bit? Jungkook assured himself, he sat on the couch and decided to wait.

He waited 30 minutes and there was still no Jimin, Jungkook became more worried as every second passed. After an hour had passsed he decided to go out and find him himself. Jungkook ran to his room and grabbed the first shirt he could find and ran to the door way, Jungkook quickly put his shoes on and opened the door only to be meet with a startled Jimin.

Jungkook instantly pulled the smaller into an embrace completely ignoring the presence of the other person. "Where have you been? I was worried sick about you" Jungkook asked when he finally pulled away from the hug, Jimin smiled and laughed at how the younger already forgot that Jimin had to go pick up his kid.

"I'm sorry I left without a word, but I had to go pick up Jooheon" Jimin said as he pulled his shy kid that was hiding behind his legs to the front. Once Jungkook saw Jooheon he melted from his cuteness, "You could've woken me up, I would've taken you" Jungkook said as he squated down to Jooheon's height. "I know but I thought that I would be back before you woke up" Jimin said as he pulled his son's suite case in. "Jooheon say hi to Jungkook, and thank him for letting us stay here" Jooheon looked up to Jimin, it was his way of asking if the other person is nice, Jimin nodded his head and Jooheon instantly smiled and greeted Jungkook.

"Thank you f-for...let us st-ay heere Mr.Kookie siirr" Jooheon said.

Jungkook could have swore that his heart almost exploded from his cuteness, he then opened his arms and Jooheon ran into his embrace without a thought, causing Jimin to widen his eyes Jooheon was always scared of strangers so it was a surprise to see him hugging Jungkook. Maybe it was cause he sees Jungkook at his daycare, Jimin thought to himself.

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