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First day written, first day publish. Edited.

I am back and ready to write. I know you guys are really angry with me right now. Just because the books i was finishing is gone and you really liked them. Im sorry and i hope i am forgiven.

IF you are first visiting my account make sure to click the follow the button and for those of you who been here with me since day one, thank you for not unfollowing.

I am not, i repeat, i am not putting the original characters of girl meets world in this book. ONLY Lucas and Maya. I'm just putting my imagination in this book. I don't wanna put Riley in this book or anyone else from gmw. I might put Riley but let's just see how this goes. Please no hate. You might as well stop reading if you hate my decision. 

As long as there's lucaya then i dont care about the characters. Now let's read.....


Chapter 1 - Last year of school

   Today wasn't the most exciting day for me, unlike most squealing, dressed up, packed up girly girls and decked out, polished, cologned up rich boys. I saw them reunite with their friends and linger at the main entrance of the posh school. Like, I'm aware wealthy people went here since they can afford it, but I can't imagine how much money was collected for back to school shopping. Probably a whole lot more than the normal, public school I had wanted to go to since people there, for once, were not egoistic jerks.

  "Well, look at all those amazing people! I can't wait till they see your hair today," my mother said, trying to engage me. There were still ten minutes until the bell rang, so I decided to stay in our blue Lamborghini not to bring myself much attention. I was forced to dress nicely and do my hair for just that day. My mom tapped her fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. "Honey, go out there. You're friends are waiting for you." 

  You missed something mom: I don't have any friends.

  "Maya, I have to go to work," my mother interrupted my thoughts. "I said I'll be there at 8:10 am sharp, I can't be late." I sighed. My parents were totally oblivious to the nonsense happening at school for three years. Welcome to one more torturing year. I just didn't want to involve them into the mess I'm in. 

 "Fine," I said. "But can you go drop me at the back of the school?" My mom gave me a questioning look, but she did as I asked. I really didn't want to make an appearance with the Lamborghini.

  "Good luck," my mom said, and pecked my cheek. "I love you lots!" I grabbed my backpack and quickly walked outside. Before I entered the school, I put on my hoodie and went directly to the washroom. I opened my backpack and took out my printed schedule which still smelled of expensive ink. 

 I had Music last. It was my favorite subject since the only thing I had to interact with was my guitar. I think it's still in the music room somewhere. I had all my worst subjects before lunch and groaned loudly. When the bell rang, I reluctantly walked out while adjusting my hoodie. There were already kids storming through the hallways and I just rammed through tiny spaces trying to get to math class.

  "Oh my, look who it is," someone said out of no where. I was grabbed by one shoulder and stopped in the middle of the hallway. It was Brigit, the school's official popular female and gossip‐girl. "I love your hair and your dress. Why don't you take that sweater off so you can show off some more?" she said sweetly, with a coffee mug in one hand. I tried to get through but her grip was firm, her nails digging into my shoulder. "You know it's very rude to‐" 

  "Brigit, I don't have time for you right now," I said looking directly into her eyes. "I'm getting late for class."

  "Oh, what a pity," she said, sighing. She brought the mug over my head and tipped it over. I opened my mouth in surprise. She always had something to dump on me. "Hm, wouldn't want to finish all my coffee on you.," she said, walking away. I stood there completely stunned, with two options in mind: appear in front of everyone with coffee in my hair but not get late, or go clean up and get late.

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