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Sofia and I were talking about her Halloween costume for the party that we overheard yesterday. She said Cyrus and her were planning to be nerds since everyone classified them to be in the "smart" group. Sofia and Cyrus were pretty smart and I thought them being nerds with large glasses and clothing braceswas really interesting. When she asked me what I would be, I replied by saying I might not go. She said Cyrus hung out with her at the party since she had no one else to hang out with, but right now, she said we should go tothe party together. Obviously that sounded like a lot of fun since I was able to hang out with someone foronce.

I just told her I'll think about it. We left the park ten minutes earlier before the popular group came by, and walked side by side through the hallways. We continued talking about the Halloween party and talk about the newspaper. She couldn't wait to read the Hot Topic section that I wrote. Unluckily, as we were about to go pick one up, we came across Dexter and Aspen who werefinishing their smoothies and heading for the recycling bins. Dexter smirked and stopped right in front ofIris.

"You're really one lucky bitch for having Cyrus on your side," he said to her. Aspen was checking her nails like she didn't even want to be here. "I promised him that I'd say sorry and shit to you aboutfooling around with you three years ago."

"Dexter, let's go," Aspen said beside him.

"So, sorry and blah­blah­blah," he said and looked Sofia up and down. "Although, you are pretty hot. Well, that episode's done." I looked over and saw Aspen staring at the ground, her face a little red that you could barely notice. I furrowed my brows and looked at Dexter.

"You are free to go," he said like a police. As we were about to walk away, Dexter stopped me and smiled evilly. "Where are you going?"

"What do you want?" I snapped. Sofia looked back at me, worried.

"You don't have anyone to back you up, huh?" he said. "You're so little, you're getting babysat. Poor thing." Sofia looked at me in confusion and I grabbed her arm, walking away. "You want me to buy you a bib?!" he yelled after me. "Or better yet, a diaper?!"

"What's he talking about?" Sofia asked me as I guided her towards the office.

"They regularly make fun of me, making up the stupidest stuff," I said. Sofia looked like she didn't believe me, so I had to divert her attention elsewhere. "Didn't you want to read the Hot Topic section?"

"Oh, yes!" she said, rubbing her palms together. "I can't wait." There was a stand beside the door of the school's office, and there were a few newspaper stacks. Iris took one but I didn't. I didn't want toread my work over again, it would just make me nervous. "Hey, you put the Halloween party in here!" Sofia said, reading it.

"Yeah, I guess you can say thanks to them," I said. Sofia told me I had done a very good job piecing it all together, but I was just relieved I didn't have to do any more writing over the weekend. Well, just Friday's article, but still.

"Well, I really better get to my next class," Sofia said, smiling. "We should go shopping together sometime, for the costumes. We need to get you one, too."

"We'll see," I said with a hint of suspense.


"You really need to get this song completed by Monday," Mr. Hansen said, handing me a copy of the basics of guitar. Is he really going to make me do this all over again? From scratch?

"I'm trying, Mr. Hansen. So hard," I said, scratching my head. He sighed and went to fix a drum set somewhere at the back of the music room. Lucas was quietly listening from his guitar position at the middle of the room.

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