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  "All by yourself?" I asked Lucas in awe. We were standing in the empty hallway, in the middle of school.

"Yeah, my mom texted yesterday saying I could decorate the house. I did it myself every year for Christmas," he said, and grinned at me. "Besides, you'll be there to help me."

I opened my mouth and furrowed my brows. "Are you kidding?" I said, and shook my head. "Why am I still here anyways? You're gonna make some trashy teacher yell at me."

He slipped his hands into his pockets, relaxed against the wall. "Then leave," he said.

"I am, you idiot," I said. While walking away, I looked behind me. He didn't move yet and smirked at me. I snapped my head back and thundered all the way back to my third period class.

Ten minutes ago, we both had a washroom break at the same time and came across each other. I tried my best to avoid him, but somewhere at sometime, we ended up stalling and talking to each other. We started talking about Brigit, then the conversation went to music and the Christmas talent show, and just a few seconds ago, we started talking about the Christmas lights around our houses.

I wasn't surprised the teacher was peeved to see me after ten minutes just for a washroom break. I was glad the period ended and it was time for lunch. I expected Stiles and Sofia to be near the cafeteria like usual, but I saw neither. There was no way Sofia was away today. She was present for math class. And Stiles wouldn't be there if Sofia wasn't. Dumbfounded, I slowly walked into the cafeteria. Being the only girl I could sit beside, I dropped at our table next to Becky. Even Stiles was there. I asked him where Sofia was, but he didn't know either.

"Brigit and Aspen aren't at their table," Zac said, squinting his eyes across the room. My gaze traveled to the cafeteria doors where Sofia was walking inside a little dazed.

"Well, well, well, where were you?" Dexter said, narrowing his eyes. "I certainly hope not Aspen or Brigit."

Sofia rolled her eyes and dropped in between Stiles and me. "Brigit's been talking to me lately. What does she want anyways?" Sofia said, putting her elbows on the table. She didn't look annoyed, happy, cautious, or excited. She looked kind of curious, a combination of them all.

"Is she hurting you or anything?" I asked her. She shook her head. Well, that's good.

As long aseveryone is safe, I mean, with all the pranks or whatever. Just like Mr. Hansen said, everyone got a talent show flyer. They were buzzing about it since it was a very popular event. I've never participated or seen one before. I'm just too dumb for it. Too unskilled. Becky, Zac, and Cyrus were planning on going to the talent show. Dexter and Sofia weren't interested, and I kept quiet while Lucas stared at me. I pretended not to notice.

"Can we go to my house on the coming weekend?" Sofia pleaded me. I sighed and finally smiled. She got the hint and smiled toothily. "That's awesome! I'll be showing you everything. And Lucas, you can come, too."

"What?" he said confused. Cyrus laughed since he was listening to us. "Sure, whatever. But I'm only coming if there's a scary movie to watch." I gave him a menacing look as he checked his phone, pretending to ignore me.

"Sure, why not?" Cyrus said. "You can sleepover if you'd like."

I wanted to complain about the movie and shout into Lucas' ear, but I just scowled and sat back against my seat. He peeked at me and grinned. I wish I could throw a brick at his face. I hope they know I won't even be watching the credits of that movie. Lucas and I left the group early to go practice in the music room. I silently chewed him out about the movie but he didn't seem to care.

Nearing the end of school, my attention was completely diverted when Mr. Hansen reminded us about the Christmas talent show. I tried not to worry about it too much since I didn't have a chance at all. Lucas was observing me as I glumly packed up and waited for him. We drove onto the road as it started to snow outside. It was one of the warmest days, I don't think I needed my earmuffs.

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