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i know yall miss me


Yesterday was a really joyous day for me, solely because I wasn't in trouble anymore. Lucas' article really triggered more than proving me innocent. We had a huge talk in the principal's office, and Brigit got suspended. Naturally, the principal didn't really believe the article, that it was "bluff". Lucas really talked through it and got her to believe it.

I think part of the reason would be that the principal just loved Lucas. Heck, everyone liked him, or else they wouldn't have even believed him. Aspen was supposed to be suspended, too, but she wasn't present. I was still curious abouther, but slightly worried. Another thing I had to stress about was everyone in school. Like I said, Lucas' article triggered a chain reaction throughout the entire school.

Now everyone assumed I was some goddess and beloved girlfriend of Lucas'. But in a way, I didn't want things to change. I didn't want to be popular or addressed as a "goddess". I knew accepting Lucas' offer at the end of the article would introduce some consequences, and I just had to deal with it. Even if I declined, I probably had to go through it all.

At the end of school yesterday, after I was forced to participate in the intense conference at the office, I thanked both Lucas and Sofia for helping me. I was so grateful, I promised I would make it up to them. But they replied by saying they were the ones making it up to me. And Lucas didn't hide the fact he asked me out. Sofia teased me about it until we went home. It was a fresh day. A fresh morning to a fresh start. I was in front of the Mac, going through mymails. I got my hours for doing the articles, and obviously I didn't want to do it anymore. We tried getting Mr. Kin back, too, but sadly he was transferred by then.

I could hear the faint notes from the living room where Lucas was playing the piano, and I decided to read my parents' mail before I joined him. We hadn't really talked much about our relationship because I constantly tried to thank him all day yesterday. It was one of the most memorable moments of my life, reminding me of all that he did for me. All that he wrote for me. Oh! I still have to read the mail.

        Hello dear,

We're hoping we'll be home by Christmas Eve if all goes well here. We're currently on our second last stop, so another two weeks. We miss you just too much, pumpkin! As for the Christmas set‐up, Marcello said Lucas know about the trees so if you guys can, get a tree for our house and also don't forget the decorations! It's too sweet to know that he doesn't mind taking you shopping. Marcello will tell Lucas to set a tree for their house, as well.

We're planning something very special for all the months we missed being with you. Hope school's going fine and you're warm in your winter clothes. We still encourage you to participate in that talent show. You know you want to do it, darling. As for now, we are doing great other than missing you. Will be back as soon as possible!

Love , Mom and Dad

I was really happy to get a mail back from my parents. They never miss a day to reply to me, and right now, the only thing missing in my life are my two adorable angels. While I answered them, I knew I had to keep some things a secret. I didn't want them to worry or feel guilty for not being there in my bad times. I turned off the laptop and stood from the swivel chair. Exiting the family room, I nervously walked towards the living room.

Somehow, I was fidgety and really tense to meet Lucas. I saw the back of his head, stopping at the entrance. I looked at the ground, playing with the necklace Sofia gave me. I was really scared of him, but I couldn't catch up to what I was feeling until yesterday. Whenever he touched me or kissed me on the cheek, I felt the urge to step away because I was embarrassed and over‐the‐top nervous. I was afraid I would do something dumb. And I was afraid his affection to me was mockery, to make me feel uneasy.

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