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I felt the bed tilt and shifted, fluttering my eyes open. I woke up to find myself in my bedroom and the comforter around me. Then everything that happened last night came back to me and I shuddered. And turned red. I looked up to see Lucas as he stretched. I wish I forgot that he was sleeping beside me.

"Sorry to wake you up," he said. "How was your sleep?"

"Full of nightmares," I said crossly. He grinned and helped me get off the bed without falling back down. "Okay, you can stop touching me now," I said, wobbling forward and clutching the door.

"In case you didn't know, you were the one that wouldn't let me go last night," he said kittenishly. 

I rubbed my head. "I hate you so much for making me watch that stupid movie," I said.

"Well, I apologized. I cried the first time I watched a scary movie, too. But then I got used to it," he said. 

I walked out of the room and downstairs where Sofia and Cyrus were still sleeping on the couch. I looked at the family room in horror with spilled popcorn, wrappers, and opened bags of chips and candy. This was such a mess! Lucas went to wake up Cyrus and Sofia. I cupped my cheeks and looked at the smudged carpets with Dorito‐powder and spilt pop. Just great.

"Good morning," Lucas said, picking up a Ferrero Rocher that was half eaten. 

The twins looked sheepish as they tiredly stood up. They promised to help clean up, and if there was any excess, I was sure Pearl would take care of it this evening. We hung out a little bit, eating the left over junk food even though it was kind if gross. Sofia said I had to come to her house one day, and Lucas could come too since he was my babysitter. It was kind of annoying how he always had to be by my side. But I have to say, I was glad I had some friends now.

Lucas went to go drop Cyrus and Sofia off at their house, and I went into the living room, setting up the iPad on top of the piano. Lucas was a pretty quick learner, and he finished the first and second verse and the bridge of Love Me Like You Do before I finished learning my second stanza of Amazing Grace. So I just moved on to teaching him the entire song, and the only part left was the chorus. When he came back, he found me in the living room and sat beside me on the piano seat. I told him to grab another chair since we were way too close, but he said it was more comfortable. I scrolled down the music sheet on the iPad and pointed to the notes of the first chorus.

"First, we can practice right hand," I said, and rested my five fingers on the keys. "Put your index finger on A Flat and your middle finger onthe B Flat." 

"Forget that, just tell me what the notes are," Lucas said. 

"You need to know the fingering, you idiot," I said. "Now do it as I say." 

"Yes, ma'am," he said and copied the position of my fingers.

"First, I'm going to play and sing the chorus at the same time, so you can catch on to the beat," I said. "Just make sure to watch the keys I press and my fingers, okay?"

"Okay," he said. Without further ado, I started and slowly sang the chorus at the same time. 

"So love me like you do, lo‐lo‐love me like you do. Love me like you do, lo‐lo‐love me like you do," I sang. "Touch me like you do, to‐to‐touch me like you do. What're you waiting for?" 

"Did you get that or do you want me to go slower?" I asked him. 

"You have a nice voice," he said, staring at me. My cheeks slowly reddened and I looked at the keys awkwardly. "You can start teaching me now," he broke the silence, grinning. I taught him the lines of the chorus for the right hand first and he caught on pretty quickly. After a while, he managed to complete the whole chorus. Then we moved on to the left hand, whichhe found more difficult.

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