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Lucas and I were having an intense, adamant discussion in the car to school. There's no one in the world that can convince me to watcha horror movie, especially near Halloween. Especially at night.

"You're such a pussy," he said. 

"And I'm proud of it," I said making it clear to him that I'm not going to watch a scary movie that night. He turned to the usual street and stopped in front of the park. Before I left, he grabbed my forearm. 

"Come on, please?" he said. "It's Friday anyways."

"No, and let me go, you bastard!" I said, shaking my arm. 

He smirked at me. "Well, we can both be late for school then," he said. "You know I'm pretty strong, right?" I muttered impolite things to myself and growled when he didn't let go.

"Can't you watch it on your own?" I said.

"I'm not watching it on my own," he said. What was that supposed to mean? "I just want you to tag along so one of your differences is a similarity. 

"What if I die?" I mumbled.

"Then I'll make sure I pay for your funeral," he said, and I scowled. "I'll teach you how to play my song. It'll be another favour for favour kind of thing."

"Fine!" I said. He loosened his grip and I snatched my hand away. He always knew my weak spot and when to hit right at it. It's kind of dangerous he knew so much about me. I got out of the car with my backpack. 

"What movie is it?" I said through the window. He didn't answer and sped by.

I shivered and put on the hood of my fall coat. I still needed to buy my winter jacket and earmuffs soon. I knew they could be childish, but since I wore a high ponytail, I used it not to messup my hair. I still had those beanies and trapper hats I got as Christmas presents that I stored somewhere in my closet. I went into the school through the back door and went to the office to drop off my Thursday hot topic article. As I was exiting, I saw a flash of brunette at the main office, which was around the newspaper stall. I walked to the front desk and spotted Sofia standing there, filling out a form.

"Hey!" I said. Sofia looked over and smiled. "What're you doing here?"

"I should be asking you," she countered. 

"I had to hand in yesterday's article," I said.

"Oh right," she said, tittering. "I have a dentist appointment after first period class. So I won't be sitting with you at lunch today. I'm coming back after lunch, though. Cyrus and I are going somewhere."

"Oh," I said.

"I'm really sorry," she said, a little sad.

"Hey," I said, brightening the mood. "Don't worry about it. I have a guitar music test so I'll be in the music room at lunch." She smiled one more time and finished up with the paperwork. After she was done, we started heading for math class.

"Have you come up with a costume idea yet?" she asked me curiously.

"No...I haven't been thinking at all actually. You've been asking me everyday," I said sheepishly. She wrapped an arm around my neck. 

"We need to go shopping for your outfit. I swear if you say you're not going to the Halloween party with me, I'm gonna kill you," she said. I laughed and promised her I will think about it. 

"That's what you say all the time. I'm serious this time."

"I'm so sorry, it's just..." It's just that Lucas was going to be there. At the same moment we arrived, Dexter and Aspen had also reached the classroom. I didn't know whether to be relieved or annoyed.

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