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  Chapter 3 - My Babysitter

I really couldn't be more bummed today, waking up at 11 am on a Sunday morning and watching a bunch of cars lined up in front of my house from my bedroom window. It's not a very comfortable site, especially when you know your parents will soon be in one of them, speeding away from home. I put my guitar down and fell flat on my bed, not caring about anything for a moment. 

  "Maya!" my mom called from downstairs. "We're leaving in ten minutes, honey, please come down! Get ready, we have to introduce you to the babysitter." I groaned silently. Just great. I didn't want to believe my parents were leaving, not now, not ever. But I knew I didn't have a choice.

  I trudged into the ensuite bathroom, getting annoyed by the bright sun rays falling through the translucent curtains. My mom called me another time, warning me they're leaving the house in five minutes. Still in my tank top and PJ bottom, I walked out of my room with my messed up hair and looked over the railing. I saw the heads of a bunch of people wearing suits and ties, very business‐like. My parents were talking to Marcello and beside Marcello, listening politely was a guy with brownish‐auburn hair. I leaned over the railing squinting my eyes. He looked a lot younger than everybody else and was quite good‐looking, too. He was wearing jeans and a t‐shirt, and I could see the dog tag hung around his neck, giving him a boyish look. 

  That's when I saw the glint at his ear. Dammit, don't tell me. I found the two white specks of his earrings and I felt like my stomach just dropped. What is Lucas doing here?! What the hell.

  At that moment, my mom looked up and smiled. 

  "Oh, Maya‐" she started. I got the hell out of there. I slammed the door to my bedroom and put on proper clothes. I really didn't have much time so I left the pants on. I put my hair into a ponytail without having time to comb it and stumbled out of the room. What the hell, I kept murmuring to myself.

  I looked downstairs again, and they were closer to the main entrance of the house. Lucas looked extremely bored for the most part, and it looked kind of funny if it wasn't for the situation I was in. 

  "Maya!" my mom looked at me staring and smiled. "There you are. You're going to make us late, hon, come downstairs." When Lucas looked my way, I looked away and started walking down the stairs. I lightly rubbed my forehead as I stopped before them.

  "Oh, there is she is," Marcello said. "I hope you had fantastic sleep." I didn't dare look at Lucas. I've never been that close to him, and I wasn't willing to get a lot of attention anyways. 

  "Well, sorry for the hurried introductions," my dad said. "But this is your babysitter." I had no choice but to look at Lucas. The first thing I noticed were his green, grass eyes. Now I know why girls swoon over him, but I looked away without much effort.

  "I thought my babysitter was older," I said, disappointingly. "You know, somewhere in the twenties?" 

  "Well, we wanted you to interact with someone your own age for once," my mom said. "Marcello got the perfect person, and I'm sure you two will get along great." She had this big cheesy smile on her face and Marcello laughed at my expression.

  "Why'd you have to make it a boy?" I argued. 

  "I wouldn't mind if you took a magic wand and turned me into a girl," Lucas said with humor in his voice. My eyes turned cold as everyone laughed. What a jerk. Before I could argue further, my dad interrupted me.

  "Look, honey, we don't have time," he said. At that moment they all exited and I followed them outside to their car. "The maid is going to come tomorrow, her name's Pearl. So, welcome her well. Not like Lucas." I found that more like a warning‐order thing than a request, since my dad didn't even say please. 

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