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  if you didn't read the last chapter, i just finished publishing it so go read that. none of this wont make sense if you did not read it.


Lucas did look better with a Santa hat. We had dinner with his family on Christmas Eve yesterday. I mean, the elf one was pretty darn good, but the Santa hat? It's that typical guy look where his hair kind of peeks out at the front. It was growing a lot. I wore antlers instead, figured I'd avoid doing that lame couples dressing thing, even if my mom suggested I wear a Santa hat, too.

Today reminded me a lot of my past, for a very good reason. In the past, I found myself being 99% of the time isolated and stalking around like a zombie trying to look for something to eat like every night. Christmas was supposed to be a special holiday, but other than putting up a tree with minimal decorations and having no presents to look forward to just ruined it all for me, you know?

It wasn't like that this time, the first time. I felt like I can actually see the love radiate off of everyone, and it was a magical sight. The babysitting contract ended the day my parents returned home, and Lucas still got the hours he needed. I couldn't help remembering that day when I saw him in my house, and totally freaked. God, what the hell happened?

It was beautiful outside, the sun cast thousands of sparkles across the snow. We were at Lucas' house. Oh the days when I was baffled to know he lived right by. I smiled to myself in his living room, watching the fire coil inside the fireplace. We had all planned to go skiing later on today, and up to this day, I wonder just how my bullies had become my friends. It was like a slow shift I didn't even know happened, but it did.

My parents were delighted to find out I made some epic friends, though. Apart from the embarrassment I got, I was happy they liked my friends. We just finished playing an intense game of COD. I was surprised I actually did pretty good since it had been quite some time since I played video games. Heck, we even played Mario Cart‐‐Lucas had about every game you could think of.

Sofia and Becky were in the kitchen, making cookies with my mom and Lucas' mom. Marcello went off with my dad to do some business work (even on Christmas, can you imagine?) Cyrus and Zac were still playing in Lucas' room, which left Dawson and I alone on the couch. I sometimes thought of Dexter and Aspen, what was going on with them. Dexter still hung out with us, but he seemed to be busy a lot of the time. I had this hunch he got back together with Aspen, for the better.

"What're you thinking?" Lucas asked me, playing with my hair. One of his arms was around me and my head was against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Call me weird.

"How did this happen?" I murmured. I felt his smile against my hair. "I'm afraid I'm in a dream." I lifted my head to meet his eyes. "Do you like that keyboard I bought you? You don't have to come to my house anymore to play the piano."

"You don't want me coming to your house?" he said. He was waiting, his lips twisting into a playful smile. It made me scowl.

"Of course not, you jerk," I snapped. "I'm just trying to be sweet because I was such a cruel person to you. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm trying to be nice!"

He just laughed. The sound made my heart flutter, and I broke eye contact. "I love it. And Maya?" He lifted my head so my eyes were on him again. "You're not cruel. You were never cruel."

I gave him a look.

"Don't ever think you were cruel." I gave him an another look, and he rolled hiseyes. "Maybe you seemed a little knocked in the head but that's because you just had all the wrong experiences in the past."

"I can never make it up to you, can I?" I sighed.

"Oh hell, I told you already to stop that," he said, his arm tightening around me. "I don't give a shit about all the impolite and scornful stuff you did. It was actually pretty hot." I furrowed my brows. "You seemed like the kind of person I've been looking for my entire life. Something was different about you, and that attracted me to you."

"What is that?" I asked curiously.

He smiled mischievously. "Your innocence."

"Are you sure you don't mean ignorance?" I said. He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "How was Iinnocent? I just don't get it."

"The moment I came to your house to babysit you, I saw your innocence. The innocence when you watched your parents drive away from you. The innocence when I saw your room and possibly everything treasured in it. Heck, even the innocence on that darn Ferris Wheel when I tried to kiss you." I blushed, feeling my face smoking hot. Lucas looked satisfied with my reaction as he smoothed his thumb over my cheek.

"You paid attention to a lot of detail, didn't you?" I said.

"What can I say? You were pretty interesting to learn about," he replied. Silence.

"So, you up for a go at Differences?" He asked almost everyday, but I always said no. Why? Because we didn't need to play anymore. We already knew our differences, and those separations always brought us closer.

"Oh, that reminds me," I said in a jolt. My fingers landed on the sleeve of his t‐shirt. "You still haven't told me...your tattoo."

"What about my tattoo?" He winked and I gave him a dead look in the eye. I couldn't let himget away this time. "Are you that interested?"

I nodded genuinely. He lifted his sleeve and I saw the black ink on his shoulder. Upon closer look, it really wasn't a picture. It was a word. It was a name. It was both. It read "Maya". I couldn't speak for quite a long time. I was afraid to look at him, but I could see him staring right at me through my peripheral vision. 

"I...you never told me this?" I said, feeling betrayed.  

"There are hundreds of people with the name as 'Maya', and what is the possibility I'd actually meet someone with that exact name?" he said. "By the time I did want to tell you, I thought you were too special and saved it for another moment."

"But...but is it just a coincidence?" I asked like an idiot. Of course it must be a coincidence, but what it ended up as is definitely fate. Or should I say, destiny. Gah, I was so cheesy. It made me smile.

"I don't know, but I sure don't regret getting it," he replied. I pulled his sleeve down.

"I guess you don't have to go through the trouble of tattooing your girlfriend's name on your shoulder," I said. He laughed. "Hey, many people do that."

"I just want you to be happy with me. If you would want me to get that tattoo, I would have," he said. I couldn't fight off the grin on my face. "Don't you think it's time to take a break from all this mushiness?"

"You know, I was just about to say that."

"Great. We should call the others for skiing. Next time, don't back down when I try to kiss you." He pressed his soft, warm lips to my cheek.

"What if I do?" I said, pulling back from him and folding my arms across my chest.

"I'll hunt you down." Damn that sounded scary. He leaned in so close, we were practically sharing the same air. He must have noticed me hold my breath because he smirked. His eyes were so close, so beautiful, so mesmerizing. How did I fall in love with those damn gorgeous green eyes.

"How...how exactly are you going to do that?" I breathed. His lips parted into a wide, sly grin, his eyes reflecting a glint which I learned by now was love.

"I have my ways," he answered. And I can never forget how his voice was full of determination and promise. 



thank you for reading this book. i know you guys hated that lucaya didn't happen in most chapters but you knoww. again, thank you for reading.

NO SEQUEL. i'm not good at making sequels just because i barely finish them. but i really appreciate you guys reading this book. it was fun reading your comments.

People who has been here since day 1, thank you for going through this journey with Maya and Lucas. All love.

Goodbye forever

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