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  It was the Thursday before Halloween and I still didn't have a costume. Neither did Lucas. Sofia and Cyrus had their math competition today so they'd be gone at lunch. They were studying together all through math today, and our teacher let them. To my unbelievable misfortune, this allowed Zac and his girlfriend to torture me.

"You know one day your pitiful friends are going to leave you, right?" Zac taunted me through the work period. A work period was supposed to be silent, and you're supposed to work on the math alone. Students, including teachers, have long forgotten that, even though there were several people actually studying for a math competition and need the silence. Some posh school this was.

"I love your hair," Becky said, twirling a piece around her fingers. "It's so long and pretty. You should let it go sometime."

"You're the one who accused me of hypnotizing your sickening boyfriend with my open hair," I said snatching it away from her fingers. Zac cackled as Becky glared at me.

"You better watch your mouth," she warned. "You know no one here supports you, right?"

"Yes, I know that," I said, briefly closing my eyes. "But I don't care."

"Oh, the loser is definitely getting stronger!" Zac bellowed. The teacher gave him a disapproving look and he rolled his eyes. "Can I have some of that attitude, please? I can probably fix myself." 

"You're definitely unfixable," I muttered under my breath. I massaged my temples as they kept chewing my ear out. The only one I didn't hear from the popular group was Aspen. While Zac and Becky chattered around her, she was slouching in her chair and looking at her phone. I wondered why she looked so sad.

"Are you listening, you big loser?" Zac said, and I snapped my head towards him. Beside him, Becky begged him to not say whatever he was going to say. 

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" he said, looking at Becky provocatively.

"No, just leave me alone," I growled.

"Dude, you're virgin?!" Zac said animated. The teacher once again looked at him and gave him a threatening look. My stomach felt really queasy when Zac asked me if I ever had sex. I looked over at Becky and anger was boiling through her eyes.

"This is personal to me," I informed. "Go say that stuff to your girlfriend." Zac looked back at Becky, smirking.

"Chill, Beck. Don't be so jealous," he said, finally going away from me to join her near her desk. When they made out, I looked away, wishing I was never even involved. 

My eyes drifted to Aspen and she was still in the same position as before. Aspen lifted her head and her eyes met with mine. She glowered at me and I looked away. Man, why do most problems occur for the popular people? And obviously their victims to pick on?Once the bell rang, I packed up all my stuff and joined Sofia at the table. She told me she heard everything that was going on behind her and apologized for not being there. I was the one who told her to focus on the competition's and not worry about me, so I said I tolerated "them" pretty well.

After the next two periods, the bell rang to signal lunch and there was an announcement calling all math participants to the lobby. I went with Sofia and wished her good luck. I sighed and walked back into the hallway, ditching my lunch and walked past the cafeteria. I accidentally crashed into someone, my mind elsewhere. Before I could say sorry, I looked up to see Stiles. Just. Great.

"Watch where you're going!" he scowled. When he realized it was me, he crossed his arms across his chest. "You're such a walking disaster, what the fuck is wrong with you?"  

"I'm sorry, okay?" I said. "It always happens to be you. Maybe because you're so approachable." I had definitely used sarcasm and Stiles noticed, too.  

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