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When my alarm clock rang, I sat up sleepily on another boring Monday morning. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and walked out of my bedroom. Lucas stopped sleeping on my bed just yesterday, and he told me to wake him up since his phone died for the alarm clock. I slowly opened the guest room door and saw him on the bed with his covers up to his shoulders. Some of his tousled hair was falling on his eyelids and he was sleeping on his left side.

"Lucas," I said, walking forward and lightly shaking him. "Lucas!" I said more annoyed. He still didn't wake up and stirred on his right side. I kicked his back and he groaned.  

"What's your problem?" he growled. I told him to wake up for school and he sat up cross‐legged, rubbing his head. I tried not to look because it was my second time looking at him shirtless. My eyes kept drifting to his tattoo on his shoulder, and I guess he noticed. "What're you looking at?" he said, smirking.  

"Nothing, okay?" I said, looking away. I looked back and Lucas hasn't moved yet. "Um, do you have a tattoo there? On your shoulder?"   

Lucas grinned and slipped on a shirt. "Yeah," he said . "Two truths and a lie: I got it two years ago, the tattoo has a name on it, and the tattoo has a picture on it." I thought about it. The last time I checked, I was certain there was some kind of picture on it, and Lucas was probably old enough to get a tattoo two years ago.  

"The tattoo has a name on it?" I said.  

"Wrong," he said, standing and walking right past me.  

"Well what is it, then?" I said.  

"Not telling," he replied.

"Tell me you bastard!" I said agitated.   

He disappeared into the washroom and I sighed. I went back into my room to get ready, and joined Lucas in the kitchen. He had attempted to make toast like I had and it wasn't that bad. He knew my entire refrigerator by now, and everything that was in it. In fact, I think he memorized my entire house.  

"Are you planning to wear that everyday?" Lucas asked me. I followed his gaze down to the ring I was wearing from Saturday. I grabbed my backpack and the front door keys.  

"Yes," I said. "Why?"  

"Just asking," he said, turning on the car. "My mom was really anxious whether you'd like it or not. She told me she wanted to meet you someday." I slipped into the passenger seat, going back to all the messages and everything he told me about his mom.  

"Hey," I said, looking ahead as he drove out of my street. "Is your grandma okay?"  

"My grandma?" he said stunned, glancing at me. I nodded, looking out the window. "Yeah, she's definitely getting better. They're planning to bring her here for Christmas."  

"Oh," I murmured, fiddling with my gloves nervously. "Well, can I meet her? And your mom?" I said shyly. I didn't even know them that much, but I didn't know why I wanted to meet them so badly. They seemed so sweet and friendly.  

"Yeah," he said quietly. When we reached the park, I stalled in my seat for a while, collecting all my thoughts.  

"Okay, thank you," I said, opening the door.  

"I told you not to keep saying that," he said.   

"Well, you're giving me a service, right?" I said grinning through the window. He rolled his eyes and we both parted.   

I quickly walked into the school, handed in my Friday hot topic article, and raced to my math class. It was empty for the most part, except Cyrus and Sofia. I had changed my seat to the one beside Sofia and the teacher didn't even notice. That's how much she knew I existed since I made a bad impression on the first day of school. Cyrus looked up and smiled, nodding at me. I took a seat next to Sofia and she looked at me.  

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