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O I | The Wardrobe 

Once there were four children whosenames were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie

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Once there were four children whose
names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. They had lots of troubles growing up, and at the same time, lots of adventures. Mr. Pevensie, their father, was needed in war and at that time, and Helen Pevensie, their mother, sent her children at the country side to escape bombs and attacks. There, they lived in a house of the old professor Diggory Kirke where their adventures began. Lucy, the youngest, found the magic wardrobe that led this girl into the unknown land name Narnia. Later, her brothers and sister followed her way and experienced many things in the magic world. They were called Kings and Queens of Narnia. Many years passed and three Pevensie children died in the train crush, while Susan, the only one left alive, continued her life slowly forgeting about Narnia. When she died with the unknow reason, she appeared in the Aslan's Country which was another name for Narnia. Their reign continued from the first time and got to be imortal. Each of them was given a chance to choose at what age they want to live forever. Peter, the oldest Pevensie brother, was a ninteen-years-old, blond-haired and had his glistering blue eyes. Susan, the oldest sister, choose to be seventeen-years-old girl with long dark brown hair and blue eyes. Edmund, the third oldest, was sixteen years old and had black hair and same coloured eyes. At last, Lucy was fifteen, had lond ginger hair and blue eyes. They ruled long and their people liked every moment of it as they were real example. New visit in Narnia changed many things.

"Who are you and why are you here?", asked blond tall boy holding a sword in front of him.

"What a welcome.", whispered brown girl and moved blade of the sword with her right hand. "I'm Hope.", added girl smiling. Boy was not ready to put the sword back, as he tried to protect two girls and a boy behinde him.

"It's fine, Peter. She seems to be nice person.", said ginger girl smiling back at the girl. "I'm Lucy Pevensie, this is my brother Peter, my sister Susan and my second brother Edmund.", Lucy was showing at every one of them as she was presenting their names.

"It's nice to meet you.", Hope said with kind voice and shaked every one's hand as an act of meeting.

"I'm very sorry for what happened moments ago.", said Peter apologiesing for pulling his sword onto the girl. Hope nodded and smiled and forgave Peter.

"If you don't mind asking, where am I?", asked the girl looking at the place where she was. They were sorrounded by the wood, and in front, at the clear ground, lamppost was standing. It was really strange for her to see one lamp in emerald green trees.

"You are in Narnia!", exclaimed Lucy.

"How did you got here?", asked Susan interestedly looking at the girl.

"Well, it's quite long story, but if you want, I'll tell it.", everyone nodded as Hope talked and agreed to hear story. "I was exploring the new house that my parents bought, in England. I found nothing interesting in it, until I came to the spare room. The room was empty, just one wardrobe was standing pressed to the wall infront."

"Doesn't this sounds familliar?", asked Edmund his sibilings wispering.

"I'm sorry to interupt but, who was the previous owner of the house?", asked Susan being polite. "Was it Digory Kirke?"

"How'd you know?", asked Hope rising left brow.

"We also had advdentures in that house.", Edmund answered at her question smiling. "Continue."

"Okay, so the wardrobe. As silly as it sounds, I got into it. It's like some kind of force was pulling me inside.", she was almost at the end of the story as Lucy's voice interupted her:

"It led you here, right? The same thing happened to us many years ago."

"Yes.", Hope didn't seemed to be nerved by interupts, quite opposite, she was always smiling.

"Shall we take a tour around this place?", asked Peter with a grin on his face.

"Of course, I want to know everything about this place.", Hope said looking at every direction. Edmund, oppositly, was looking at her. Her long brown hair was tight in a high ponytail with messy curls as baby hair. She had brown eyes that, to him, weren't ordinary. He seemed to see the whole world in them. If might be love at first sight. While Edmund was staring, Lucy cought his eyes on Hope.

"Don't stare, it's rude.", said ginger girl silently so others wouldn't hear her. Edmund imidiatly looked away as Lucy warned him.

"Let's get going.", said Susan and five of them started their long walk around the country.

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