Prolouge - Pennamore

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  I enter the throne room where I find my father, King Sebastian, awaiting my presence. Beside him sits my mother, Queen Adrianne. It is dusk at the moment, one of the two times I actually can see my mother, unless, of course, I can not sleep through the night or she the day.

  My father sees me enter the room and says, "Oh, dear Pennamore, you are here. I am sad to say we have some trouble."

  I remain calm. I am used to trouble in the kingdom. I just worry a little about the problem that has come up this night. My father and mother look very saddened, like they have no idea what to do next. That must mean something is very wrong this time.

  "What kind of trouble this time?"

  My father responds, "The foreigners entered our kingdom in search of the Annex Guide for the information it holds. We have not yet discovered if the Annex Guide was found, but we do know the foreigners came across Persephone. They took Persephone away with them and they have captured her. She was taken back with them into the kingdom of Welsh."

  My heart sinks. I care nothing about the Annex Guide. My mind is on Persephone. How could those foreigners have taken my sister, Persephone, my twin, my fusion? Persephone is like the other half of me. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. We are closer than everyone, which is hard as we are of two different times. Without each other, we are nothing. She gives me my strength and bravery and I give her wisdom and passion. I have no clue how to respond to this news. The thought of those foreigners makes me nauseous. What could they do to my poor sister?

  I say, "We need to get Persephone back."

  My mother says, "I agree with you, Pennamore. The problem is we have no idea who to send to get her. We need someone we trust, someone strong, someone sensible, who has the capability of getting Persephone back."

  I realize suddenly just who should retrieve my sister. I should go into Welsh and bring my sister back safe and sound. I could manage it. I would have to, because no one will fight more for Persephone than me.

  I respond, "How about me? I can get Persephone back. She means everything to me. I will do what I must to get her."

  "Is that even a good idea?" My father asks.

  "Of course. I am a fusling and I know how to use my abilities. No one would notice me until it is too late." I reply.

  My father takes in this information. It puts him deep in thought. He would not want to risk losing his other daughter, but at least there is no question to my loyalty.

  My father says, "True, but the morphling side of you is of the day. A mission like this is usually best left to morphlings of the night."

  My mother then states, "This might be better for morphlings of the night, but Pennamore could save her sister. She could find Persephone, not just because they are family, but each other's fusion."

  My father takes a breath as he says, "You make a point. Alright, then, Pennamore we need you to find Persephone and bring her back here to Change."

  I nod saying, "I will not come back until I have Persephone with me. I will find my other half and bring us back together."

  My mother states, "We believe in you and what you can do. You are a strong fusling and you can hide it well. Just be careful. You are still a morphling of the day and that could be a danger. You will function like the foreigners, sleep at night and busy during the day. One wrong move and we could lose you and Persephone forever."

  "That is something I will figure out. I will not let myself get captured." I say.

  Then my father says, "We know you will do everything to stay safe and bring back your sister. Now, you should get some sleep, so you can leave in the morning and remember to be as quick as you can."

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