Chapter 10 - Pennamore

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Noah says, "How do you think you will get into the castle?"

  "I don't know. It is too dangerous in the day. I know what to do once I get inside, mostly, but other than that, I have no idea."

  "So, you have a partial plan after being here for three months. How do you not know what you are doing?"

  I respond, "I don't know. I did not know exactly what I was getting into. All that I care about is getting my sister back. She is everything to me if you have not noticed. Without her, I am weaker. We share everything with each other and go to great lengths to be with each other. I hope you are able to understand that, because I have found not many people do, no matter how close they feel towards someone."

  With that I turn and run off. Not long after I start to run away, I feel tears in my eyes, aching to be set free. I thought I had this together, until Olivia came and pointed out how much is on the line and how easy it will be to fail.

I take notice that no one is around me at the moment and I morph quickly into a hummingbird. I can get away from here a lot quicker if I can fly. I do not know where to go. However, I realize how easy it is now to see Persephone if she is around. Hopefully she will be up and in the room she has been forced to stay in. I fly up to the castle window where I have visited so many times since I discovered Persephone's location.

As I peer into the window, I see Persephone sitting on the bed. For whatever reason, Persephone is treated as an important person here in the castle, although she can not leave the premises of the castle.

  I say, "You sure look comfy over there."

  At the sound of my voice, Persephone turns to me, her face lighting up.

"Penny, I worried when you did not show up."

  I say, "Well, I ran into a little situation, but I am here now."

  I wish that we could fuse together right now, but when Persephone was taken they made a device that does not allow her to use any power. It is a metal bracelet type thing that is almost impossible to get off.

  "That is all I care about until we can be together again, where we belong."

  "Oh, Perry I wish they would just let you go already. You serve no purpose to them."

  Perry tenses as she says, "Quiet for a moment. Someone is outside."

Then she turns to the door. "Come in."

  I change my position at the window to see a boy walk in, a boy dressed much too nicely. The prince is who it must be.

  I am silent as he states, "What are you doing?"

  "Something important. Now please go." Persephone replies in a swift manner.

  The boy says, "Wait..."

  However my sister cuts him off. "Please, I will be done shortly."

  With a sigh, the prince turns and walks away. Then Persephone turns back to me.

  She tells me, "Penny, you know the purpose I serve them. They hope someone will come for me, someone who they hope will give them answers. Too bad you came for me and like me, you are stubborn. Why would we betray our kingdom?"

  "I would never do such a thing, neither would you. One of us will rule Change one day."

  "Right. I fear that I will definitely not be released now that they have the Annex Guide. It will give them secrets which lead to questions, which leads to a want for answers, answers only those from our kingdom can give."

  I say, "I wish you were not right, but I have an ally now. You might know him actually. It will be soon, my sister, just a few days I hope."

  Perry nods. "I have one more question before you have to leave for both of our sakes. Who is this ally?"

  "His name is Noah and he is a morphling of the night, sent to bring us back to the kingdom actually."

  "I think I do know him somewhat. Now, go. Brian is coming back."

  Then I turn and fly away as I hear the door open. I fly to get as far away as I can. That was very close. The closest we had ever come to someone hearing us, which would not be much of a problem besides the fact Persephone would be seen talking to a hummingbird. That is very suspicious.

  When I look at where I am, I realize I am flying over the town, about to enter the field, which is empty as usual. I carefully land where I am out of sight. However, someone walks into the field when I am about to morph back. Even though I can not be seen, I can not morph back because then the person will wonder where I came from, since they are obviously alone. I hope they will not be here long as I look up at the sky and see dusk is approaching. The coming dusk is what keeps me from trying to fly to another spot. It will be worse to fall from the sky into people because it is no longer day, than for one person to know somewhat what I am.

  I wonder if this person will leave before night. Maybe I should just take the risk and hope I get far enough away. I look back up at the sky and decide I have a couple minutes. I can definitely get away from the field, but the question is if I can get to another safe location.

I flap my wings and fly into the air, pushing aside any doubts. I am thankful I am a hummingbird, because that means I am fast, which in this moment is important. I fly as far away as I can until dusk hits.

I find myself in the air, over an empty place. That is good except for the fact that it is no longer day, no longer my time, no longer having the ability to be in a morph. I start to fall. I want to scream, but I can not. I can not draw any attention this way. I close my eyes ready for the impact when I hit the ground.

I feel it when I land feet first, but my knees buckle under me causing me to fall. I quickly get up and look around. I find myself in an unfamiliar location. I turn around and I am able to see the kingdom of Welsh. I realize I am right outside of the village, just barely outside the village, but enough to realize I now have to figure out where to go from here.

It would seem suspicious if someone happens to see me climb back in, so I must find the proper entrance on the boundary to enter, while making sure not to be seen. The problem is, I do not know if I should go to the left or to the right.

  I decide to just guess and hope I am right. I turn to the right and cautiously walk around. I am aware that it is becoming later and later. This might give me an advantage, because what foreigner will be up later at night? It will probably take me awhile to get to the border. Suddenly as I round a corner, I see a figure standing a few feet in front of me.

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