Chapter 11 - Noah

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  I watch as Pennamore runs away from me for whatever reason. I am not sure anymore about what I have gotten into. Three days ago, I agreed to help find Pennamore and Persephone to bring them back to Change. That seems like it should be so simple. However, when I find Pennamore, she pretends to be a foreigner then goes on to say who she really is and that Persephone is elsewhere. Now somehow I have ended up agreeing to help rescue Persephone with a girl who has no idea what she is doing, despite being here for three months.

   I walk away, out of the village to the territory that divides my kingdom from this one. I do not pay much attention to how far out I go. I wish I could go back to Change right now, back to my village of Lynx. The problem is I can not do that, not yet. I realize that Pennamore and Persephone probably want to return even more than I do. I mean I have only been here for a few days, but at least they have each other in some way. I turn around and can just make out where Harpoon is. I decide to stay in this general area, giving me a view of the village, but still far enough away to not be in it. A nearby tree looks inviting to me where it is shady, unlike where I am now, sun beating down on me. I guess people who live this way are used to the sun, unlike me and the morphlings of the night with the few fusions who prefer the night to the day.

  I lose track of the passing time. It is not until I look up at the sky that I notice it is becoming dusk. Somehow a few hours have passed. I decide to start back to the village, so that I am closer to the entrance. As I approach the village, I notice a figure in the corner of my eye in the shadows of the coming night. I notice that the person sees me. When the figure continues moving and comes into the moonlight, I recognize it is Pennamore. I start walking towards her.

  I say, "Why are you out here?"

  Startled, she looks up to see me. It takes her a moment to collect herself and respond.

"Oh, I was trying to find somewhere to unmorph, but because it is dusk I can no longer be morphed and I fell."

  I respond, "Why would you be so careless as to be morphed so close to dusk and why were you morphed anyways?"

  "Well, I went to see my sister and the only way to do that is to fly, plus being morphed allows me to sneak past any guards. Anyways, I was careful about the time of day, but someone walked into the area I was in before I could unmorph. I had to risk being able to get to another safe location which I did, just not the way I was hoping."

  "That sounds tough. What if you had not been able to get somewhere safe?"

  Pennamore replies, "I can not think like that, not now. I need to stay hidden amongst these foreigners until I have Persephone and we can get back to the kingdom we belong in."

  "I'm guessing that you don't like it here." I say.

  "It is not that I do not like it here. I just like it better in the kingdom of Change where everyone is like me and even you."

  I understand what she means. Here in Welsh, the people do not have the abilities that we do. It is strange trying to hide who we really are. In Change, it is normal to come across morphlings and fusions. I mean obviously everyone has an ability in Change. However, sometimes we do not notice morphlings who are of course morphed or fusions who are fused.

  I say, "That makes sense. Do you need help getting back to the village?"

  "If you do not mind. I seriously do not know where I am right now."

  "Well, you must have some idea, because the entrance from here is just around this corner."

  "That makes me feel better. I must have some sense of direction. So, why are you out here?"

  As we start back to the entrance, I tell her, "I actually do not like it here in Welsh. I never wished to come here on some sort of mission."

  Pennamore asks, "How did you end up coming here then?"

  "I guess I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

  "What does that mean?"

  "I'm afraid to tell you. You will probably turn on me."

  She states, "I can not do that now. Not when you can help me."

  I take a deep breathe. How will Pennamore take this? I was not exactly doing what I was supposed to, but I can not lie to her, not the princess. That would be bad.

  I state, "Well, when I was flying around at night, I accidentally went into the castle territory." I look at Pennamore who is smiling, "Then instead of leaving I stayed, but not long. Then at dawn when I could not get away, I was found and well, that is bad though I did nothing. However, King Sebastian and Queen Adrianne were talking about the foreigners and somehow ended up using me for their plans since I know your sister a little."

  I finish and look at Pennamore who starts laughing.

  She says in between her laughter, "Wow. I have to beg my parents to let me come here, but they are okay sending someone else and a trespasser at that."

  I glare at her and lightly push her. She smiles and pushes me back. It is interesting. I usually try to keep my distance from the fuslings just because it can be a little dangerous, but Pennamore seems laid back, much like her sister seems when she is with the little morphlings and fusions. She does not seem to care about little things.

  When we come up to the entrance, we stop. Pennamore looks at me before turning and running away towards some place in the village. I do not know where she goes, but she seems to know exactly where to go. I decide to try and find someplace to sleep for the night. I would much rather stay up, but then it would be hard to manage here in this kingdom.

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