Chapter 6 - Pennamore

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I listen as this boy lies to me. I guess he does not know how bad of a liar he is. I demand the truth from him. I am a little surprised by his response.

  "Okay, fine. You remind me of someone and I was wondering if you could help me." The boy says.

  I realize that this boy has to be from my kingdom of Change. The problem is I have never seen him before, but he might know Persephone, who is my identical twin. That would explain how I remind him of someone. I do not want to trust this boy, but if there is a chance of him being from my kingdom, I need to know.

  "What do you want from me?"

"I am looking for some people so I can bring them back to our village."

  This seems very suspicious. His answer is very vague. Why not be more specific? What is he afraid of telling me? This boy comes up to me wanting something, but does not want to tell.  At least he should have thought this through some. I decide to get more answers from him. However, when I try to get more specific answers, he just avoids the question. This is when I know the truth, that he is from Change like I thought. I want to confront him, but I need to keep my profile low. I do not know this boy and until I know I can trust him, I do not need to let him know I am a fusling.

  I say, "You're one of them aren't you. You know nothing about this kingdom. What are you a morphling or a fusion?"

  To my surprise, he actually answers me.

He says, "You might be right. I may be a morphling. What are you going to do?"

  Good. He does not suspect anything. The boy just thinks I am a foreigner. How long could I keep this up? Despite how it may seem, I have never tried to pretend to be someone I am not. I mean, it is one thing to avoid questions, but it is totally different to lie. I did not lie to Olivia at all. I answered her honestly or just ignored what she said.
  I decide to see exactly what this boy wants, so I act as if I will do nothing if he is not posing some sort of threat. However, he replies just as vaguely as before except this time he uses the word kingdom instead of village and describes the people as girls. The only thing I got out of that is the gender of who he is looking for.

  I try the specific tactic again. "What girls?"

  I am surprised when he says, "Pennamore and Persephone. Do you know either of them?"

  He is looking for me and my sister. This seems dangerous. Why did he want us? I guess maybe I can get more out of him if I play difficult.

  "I might know the girl you call Pennamore."

It is weird using myself as just someone I do not really know. I mean I know everything about me.

  The boy responds by wanting my help finding me. I tell him I will only do such a thing if he can help me with something. I tell him that I want to know more about this mission he is on.

  "Tell me who sent you and why it is important you actually find these girls you speak of."

"Well, I might can tell you this information, but not here. Anyone could hear us here."

  This is a small problem. Where is a safe place to speak? I mean, it seems pretty safe here, we are alone after all.

  I say, "This is about as private as it will get, morphling whose name I do not know."

  "My name is Noah. What is your name?"

    I have to keep him from knowing the truth. There is just nothing else to do until I know everything about him and why he is here.

  I snap, "I'm not stupid. I will not tell you my name. Now, answer me."

  "Okay, fine. The King and Queen of my kingdom sent me to find their daughters because the foreigners invaded and stole something of ours called the Annex Guide. That is all you can know. So, can you tell me where to find Pennamore?"

  I am a little in shock. This boy, Noah, is not lying about this. There is no reason for him to lie about the Annex Guide being taken, especially if my parents did tell him. The Annex Guide is the key to the kingdom of Change. Everything that makes us who we are, whether that be a morphling, fusion, or fusling. We can create another Annex Guide, but it is dangerous for us if these foreigners know our secrets.

  I decide to ask one more thing of this Noah. I need my sister which involves getting into the castle. I realize Noah might help me to do this. It would be bad if he got caught doing it and he was captured, but at least I would have the ability to continue on. Then I could save, not only my sister, but also Noah. The hard part was knowing if Noah would help me again. One way to find out.

   I state, "Well, you have to do something else for me. I think you can manage."

  Noah does not like this very much, I can tell. However, he agrees, which is perfectly alright with me. I just hope he does not question me. If he does, I do not know what I might could say. I realize I just have to hope nothing will go wrong.

  So, I run off and head toward the town. I make sure that Noah is following me. When I know he is, I go through the town. I go the long way around to the road that will lead to my base. It is more private than anywhere I can think of. Hopefully, this will work.

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