Chapter 4 - Pennamore

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The next day I get up and decide to walk around. I think back to the map I found yesterday and decide to sketch it out, before I forget what it looks like. It will not be completely accurate, but I am alright with that if it means keeping my identity secret. I already feel like someone will learn my secret soon and I need to rescue my twin sister before then, so that we can go back to our kingdom. The kingdom I am safe in and do not have to worry about foreigners discovering I am a fusling. At least in Change everyone is either a morphling, fusion, or fusling.

I end up walking into the market area where I accidentally run into the girl, Olivia. She turns around and sees me. I do not really know what to do. Should I make a run for it? Should I stay?

Olivia says, "Oh, hey."

"Hi." I reply trying to be friendly.

"Ummm...I think I should go. Nice seeing you."

I say, "Look, I'm sorry about yelling at you yesterday, but you just do not understand what is going on."

Olivia turns back to me. "Then tell me what is going on. Do not leave me in the dark. I just want to be friends, nothing more."

I say, "I can not do such a thing. I'm sorry, really."

Olivia just shrugs and walks away. I can tell she is hurt, but how am I supposed to tell her I am a fusling and want to save my sister who was taken from me by the people she lives around? That just seems rude, as if I will be insulting her as well.

I keep heading through the market, thinking about what to do next. Suddenly, I sense someone behind me, someone I do not trust, or at least I do not think I should. I quickly glance behind me and see some boy. I find myself wondering if he is from Change. I can only ever sense people from Change or people who may pose a threat to me or someone near me. I try to avoid it and continue on.

I decide to go back to my base, but I get the sense of being followed. I look out of the corner of my eye and see the boy. If he thinks he is being sneaky, he needs to think again. I decide to see what he is up to and quickly turn down a different road. I do not really know where I will end up, but I do not know if he knows either.

Sure enough the boy turns down the road with me. I start to turn down random paths wondering if this is just some sort of coincidence. However, I still sense the feeling of being followed.

Suddenly I find myself in a field. I continue on into the field. A few minutes pass and I think I am alone. I feel like I lost whoever was following me. Then I turn and see him. For a minute we look into each other's eyes.

"Why are you following me?" I ask annoyed.

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