Chapter 9 - Noah

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I walk away from the girl who claims to be Pennamore. I do not really have any reason to not believe her. I mean why would someone lie about being from Change? Besides, did I not think she was familiar when I first saw her today? I do not know Pennamore, but I know Persephone some. They are similar to each other, so it would make sense this girl looks familiar if she really is Pennamore. My mind races as I try to decide if I should trust this girl. I decide it can wait, because it is night right now and I am very tired.

  I carefully morph into a bat and fly to a safe place outside of the kingdom of Welsh to sleep. I do not go too far away, but enough away not to be seen. I quickly morph back into myself and get ready to try and sleep. I have never in my life slept at night. There has never been a reason to, but I guess that changes now. It is strange at first, but I get used to it as it gets later into the night.

  I wake up and realize that it is late into the daytime. It looks like it is almost noon. I guess that is normal, at least for me since I am new to this up in the day thing. I soon realize that I can not actually fly back into Welsh. It is a good thing I did not go too far away. So, I start to run backs towards the kingdom, hoping no one will be near to see me enter. As I approach, I see someone sitting on the ground facing the direction I am coming from. I am about to go a different direction when the person looks up and sees me. It is the girl. She must have heard my footsteps. I start to turn to run away, but the girl stops me.

  She asks, "What are you doing?"

  I do not know what to say. "I could ask you the same thing. What brings you to the border of this kingdom?"

  She laughs saying, "I believe I asked you first. However, I came to get away from this girl and think about something."

  I take a few steps closer to the girl, not sure how she will react.

  I reply, "That is interesting."

  "Yeah, I guess."

  I can tell something is bothering her. I do not know if I should ask about it or not. I mean I barely know her. However, a part of me wants to try and help. I do not exactly know why. I guess it can not hurt to ask.

  "Why do you seem upset?"

  She looks at me and asks, "Do you have a sibling that you are close to and would do anything for?"

  That was easy to answer. That was how I felt about my sister, Marcie.

  "Yeah, why?"

  The girl says, "You would not understand otherwise."

  I suddenly wonder if she knows how to make clear statements. I feel like all yesterday I had to keep pressing to get more information. I am about to say something when she continues.

  "I thought I could do this, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe it would be better if I just left, so someone else could do this."

  I say, "What are you talking about?"

  "Three months ago I felt so sure of myself when I told my dad I could save my sister. I thought I could do anything for her, because she is a part of me, but now I do not know. Maybe Olivia is right, maybe I should give up."

  "Can you be anymore clearer?"

  The girl looks at me. "You know I have not been to Change in three months. Up until yesterday when you showed up, I have not even seen a morphling or fusion. I mean I have seen Persephone, but that is like looking at myself."

  I suddenly understand a little of what she is talking about. The problem is I have not decided if I believe she is Pennamore. I think she senses what I am thinking.

  The girl says, "I would not trust me either. I guess you will not care if I leave right now."

  I do not know what to say. I look away for just a second, but when I look back she is gone. I did not even hear her leave. A couple feet in front of me I see a chipmunk staring at me. I am a little confused, so I walk away. When I glance behind me, the chipmunk is still looking at me. Then it starts to follow me. I am concerned. Why is this happening to me?

  Suddenly the creature speaks. "Are you scared? I mean I might would be scared as well, but I'm used to morphlings being animals and other things. Besides, some great games can be played using morphs, so I think it is pretty cool."

  I respond, "Well, I know you are from Change now, but that does not make you Pennamore."

  The girl morphs back saying, "Well, I'm sorry that I can not fuse because my sister is locked in a castle and I no longer know if I am capable of saving her. I do not care if you believe me, but at least help. You told me you would. You were even sent to find Persephone and me to bring us back to Change. I know where Persephone is, but the castle and its people pose a small problem to my helping her."

  "You know what. I'll believe you. I just hope you actually turn out to be Pennamore, but why does everyone think I can solve problems?"

  Pennamore, I guess, states, "You can sneak around pretty well and you can probably hide well and I bet you are fast. That gives you an advantage over these foreigners."
  "You know when I am around and seem to know my thoughts."

  "I am the princess. I have learned to know when people are near to stay safe. It is hard to get past me unnoticed. I mean Persephone is better than me, so I thought you would know that."

  I say, "Right, well I do not know Persephone that much. However I guess I can try to help, but if something goes wrong..."

  "If something goes wrong, I may never see my sister again. That is why nothing can go wrong." Pennamore finishes.

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