X + U = 25. I think X is 15 because U sure are a 10. Math.

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"Shiro!" Pidge squealed, jumping out of her truck and bolting for the older boy.

Shiro held his arms open and caught the smaller girl in his arms. He tried around with her and then set her down.

"Hey Katie." He smiled sweetly, taking a strand of hair out of her face.

Pidge smile before raising her hand and smacking him across the face.

"Where the hell were you!?" She thundered with fury, crossing her arms with a huff.

"Ow! I don't know!" Shiro rubbed his face with his hand, pouting in pain.

Pidge huffed and tackled Shiro in another hug. Lance and Keith stood on the sidelines with smiles on their faces. Lance was just happy to have Shiros autograph. Keith on the other hand was happy to have his family back together.

"Bye, Big Bro." Keith said, patting Shiros back.

Shiro smiled and hugged Keith tightly.

"Bye, Kitto"

"Stop calling me that!" Keith whined, pushing his older brother away.

Shiro laughed and went to join Pidge in the truck. They were gonna go home seeing as he couldn't stay in Keith and Lances dorm. Keith waved as Pidge, who had in fact just seen him two days before, simply waved.

"So that's your brother huh." Lance said, also waving as his friend Pidge and Idol Shiro drive off.


"Why did he try to mug us?"

Keith shrugged.

"He refused to turn to Pidge and I. He had some insecurity about returning home, especially after loosing his arm and escaping danger. He was trying to get some more cash to continue on."

Lance nodded.

"You have ninja skills."

"You scream like a girl."

"Oh you haven't heard me scream." Lance smirked.

Keith choked on his spit and looked at Lance wide eyed who just started laughing.

"Whatever Mullet, I gotta go. Allura wants to meet up for lunch." Lance chuckled, walking away happily.

Keith just shook his head, running his hand through his hair. He suddenly lost air and began to gasp. Here came another coughing fit. All other senses were cut off as he began to hack up another petal. This time, three conjoined petals fluttered out of his mouth, covers in dots of red blood.

"I'm dying." Keith declared to himself.

He had to declare it, he had to tell himself the truth. He couldn't deny it, he was dying. He made a mental note in his mind to go to the doctor. Hey, maybe there was another way to cure his condition.

Keith made his way back to his dorm and went to finish some math homework. Half way through his Advanced English Literature work, someone was knocking at his door. Keith immediately slammed the pause button on Freeze Your Brain from Heathers and cursed himself. Maybe it was too loud, maybe someone didn't appreciate Heathers way of expression. It doesn't matter, all he knew was that it was gonna be hella embarrassing.

When he opened the door, it was not in fact one of his hall mates. Just Hunk. And he looked worried.

"Hey man, what's up?" Keith asked in the chillers voice possible.

"Have you seen Lance?" He questioned, walking into the dorm.

Keith looked confused and shut the door.

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