HAHAHAH im very sorry i stabbed you, like... very sorry.

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Lance and Hunk helped Mrs. McClain make breakfast the following morning. Soft Spanish music played in the kitchen, a custom to help wake up a bit in the morning.

"Was Mullet still asleep when you got up?" Lance asked his best friend.

He nodded.

"Keith was asleep like a baby. Honestly he's cute when he doesn't look like he is gonna kill you." Hunk commented, beating the pancake batter.

"Says the guy that told me Keith worked for a secret company of assassins and that's why he went out every night." He scoffed.

"Yeah but those were just rumors. I mean, the last time you followed him you found out he went to the old library on the corner of Fort Smith, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well there's your answer then. That place is still filled with books, he probably goes there to read."

"Or plot."

"Lance be reasonable,"

"I don't think 'reasonable' is a part of Lances vocabulary." Giggled a voice behind them.

Allura entered the kitchen. Her hair was in a ponytail, and get face looked tired but some how she managed to look beautiful.

"A-allura! Good morning!" He stuttered

"So what are we talking about?" She asked, picking a strawberry from the fruit bowl Lance was making and eating it.




"What about Keith?" She questioned.

"Well I thought he was some evil killing machine, but now I just think he's one huge cinnamon roll," hunk admitted "Lance thinks Keith is just always plotting."

"Oh. Well I used to hang out with Keith and his brother alot. They were fun people. We would go out to parties and stuff but after Shiro went missing Keith changed."

Lances eyes widened.

"Shiro? You mean the Shiro?!"

"Yes, Shiro Kogane. The NASA pilot?"

Hunk gave Lance a look. Even more puzzle piece  began to fit. A lot of gaps, but two new puzzles pieces were added in and they fit. Lance returned to his fruit bowl.

"Mama, ya termine la fruta!" Lance yelled.

"Deja lo ahi que yo lo servo ahora" His mother yelled back.

"Lets go wake everyone else up."

"It was nice to meet you Keith," Veronica smiled, hugging her new friend.

"It was nice to meet you too, V." Keith whispered, hugging her back.

They pulled away and smiled. Pidge was now walking away from Luis and Marco who had learned a thing or two from her and were now fighting there tin can robots made of broken toy wires.

They all eventually got into the car and began the hour drive back home. Keith reached for the radio and turned it on. High Hopes by Panic At The Disco began to blast through the speakers of the convertible. Lance did not expect what came next.

Keith and Pidge began to sing at the top of their lungs, Bar Bae joining in with his own barks and howls too.

"I didn't think you knew what music was Mullet!" He yelled over the noise.

Keith turned over and smiled.

"You don't know everything McClain."

He looked back at the road and began to cough. Keith clamped a hand over his mouth and looked down. Another blue rose petal sprinkled in blood was in the palm of his hand.

What the hell....

"You alright?" Allura asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Perfect!" Keith lied, hiding the petal in his pocket and wiping his hand on his jeans.

A spitball launched across the room and straight onto Keith's neck. Keith was immune to this at this point.

This is karma for when I did this shit to Shiro isn't it. He thought with a groan. Just as Lance was about to launch another one, Keith turned around and caught it in his hand.

Lance was shocked at how his roommate had caught the small wad of paper in his hand.

"You could be nice to me you know, we have bonded before." Keith spoke up, tossing the spitball in the trash.

"No we haven't!" Lance argued, ripping up another piece of paper.

"We had one when you weren't drunk. Remember my tree?"

Lance sat in thought, his eyes growing wide again.

"Oh yeah..."


Lance poured in his seat.

"But there's no fun in being nice." He smirked  before blowing another spitball that hit Keith's chest.

Keith rolled his eyes.

"Fuck you, McClain. I was gonna offer to go and get Chinese food down the street but you don't wanna play nice."

Lance dropped his straw and hid it.

"I'm interested."

"Nah, I'm just gonna go alone. You don't deserve it." Keith teased, grabbing his wallet from a drawer.

Keith stood up and slipped on his shoes. Lance sat there pouting in thought. Keith bit his lip and looked away. Lance was almost irresistible, how could he say no?

"Fine you fucker, get up, lets go."

Lance looked up and smiled. In truth, he was confused at what had changed Keiths mind, but disregarded it. He was getting food. They walked out of the dorm and began to walk in the darkness. 

As they walked, the roommates suddenly heard a rustle behind him. Keith stopped, but Lance kept walking.

"What is it?" Lance asked, stopping a few feet ahead.

Keith turned around slowly, to his pleasure, no one was there. Keith shook his head.

"Nothi-" He was suddenly cut off by someone grabbing him from behind.

Before he knew it there was a knife to his throat and Lance had raised his hands up in surrender. 

"Hand over whatever cash you have. Now." barked the deep voice.

Lance looked at Keith who didnt look one bit alarmed. Keith nodded at Lance, as if to tell him it was okay. He reached into his own pocket to take out his wallet when Keith suddenly took action. He elbowed the attacker in the ribcage and pulled out his own knife from is pocket. He flung it into his attackers leg who cried out and fell back in pain. 

Lance was stunned for a moment as his roommate towered over the hooded figure.

"Who are you?" Keith questioned, kicking the knife away from the attacker and putting preassure near the wound his own knife had made. 

The attacker panted and suddenly paused, looking up at Keith.

"Kitto? Is that you?" spoke up the voice.

Keith looked taken aback. He yanked off the hoodie and he gasped. Lance stepped forward and joined the surprise.

"Shiro! Oh my god! Im sorry! Did i stab you?"

"A soulmate is the one who has locks that fit our keys and keys to fit our locks." - Richard Bach




Thanks, i love you and appreciate you greatly.


Whats your favorite type of ice cream?

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