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She ran down the halls. Thousands of Androids were running in the different direction trying to get away. Most of the troops were at the side of the ship she was running towards. Andry stopped immediately when she saw soldiers targeting her. She raised her hands in defeat.

They were too many, there was no way she could take them out. She heard gunshots and she immediately covered herself. But when she noticed that the soldiers in front of her had fallen down dead, she turned around only to see Patricia and a few 'WR' Androids holding guns.

"I figured you're dumb enough to do something incredibly dangerous on your own," Patricia said as she hugged her friend.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would've done without you," Andry said.

Patricia pulled back "You can thank me later. What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna activate the explosives. I'll need an escort," Andry said.

"Okay, we're right behind you,"

They started running down the halls of the huge ship. Wherever they found soldiers the 'WR' Androids had been shooting them opening their way in the mazes of corridors.

"Do you know where you're going?!" Patricia asked as she shot another soldier.

"Yes!" Andry answered as they ran hastily to the other hall.

"Don't kill us!"

"We haven't done anything wrong!" A few Androids begged while soldiers targeted them.

Andry couldn't just stand and watch. She turned at the 'WR' Androids beside her and she ordered "Help them!"

And they did. Andry wrapped a spare gun from Patricia and she shot them both. The Androids of Jericho looked at her gracefully.

"A human!"

"She saved us!"

"Go! Get out of here before they find you!" Andry said and they started running.

The 'WR' Model was specifically designed for war. They were all aware of their feelings, they were all 'deviants'. But they chose to help her instead of helping governments fighting each other.

There was another soldier fighting with another Android. The soldier had pushed it on the wall and he was ready to shoot it. Andry immediately shot the soldier and he fell down.

The Android looked at her. "Thank you!" he said and he walked towards her "You must be Dr. Kamski. I'm Josh,"

"Great. Josh, get out of here. Markus is waiting for you on the second floor, third exit. You need to go!" Andry said.

Two more soldiers were guarding the door where the explosives were. The 'WR' Models knocked them out and they kicked the door open for her.

Andry walked in and she found the main computer. She started hacking the entire software trying to activate the bomb. Three soldiers walked in. The 'WR' Models started shooting taking them out. One of the soldiers killed one of them.

Andry watched as her fingers pressed the keys of the computer's keyboard almost automatically.

She bit her lip "Come on... come on!"

Access Permitted.

"Finally!" She said excitedly and she pressed the Enter activating the bombs.

She turned at Patricia and the others.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here!"

As they ran out of the room and all around the corridors towards the second floor, they saw and Android trying to crawl himself.

Codes and Emotions | Detroit Become  Human | Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now