RK817 - Hurting You

963 52 58

DECEMBER 13th, 2038

PM 6:39: 11, 12, 13...

"I was, when you were alive," Gerard said.

"What the hell does that mean?!" Hank exclaimed. He turned at Connor "Connor, snap out of this, you're a fuckin' Android! It's not possible for you to have a-"

"I wasn't always," Connor said. All the memories flooding back into his mind. "My name was Bryan Williams, I was your son," Connor said looking at Gerard.

"That until the car accident," Gerard said "You and Mrs. Kamski wanted to change the world. Give CyberLife something they didn't want and they chased you for it. Andry told me everything after the accident. She said you were dead,"

"I'm not, apparently!" Connor said shocked. His LED snapped between red and yellow. He couldn't believe it.

"No, you're a machine now... Connor," Gerard said "...you're not my son. My son died three years ago," taking his gaze away from him disapprovingly.

Hank looked at the old man in disbelief "Your son is at least still here!" he said bitterly.

He turned around to leave in desperate need of a drink. He wrapped Connor's shoulder and he started drifting him away.

"Let's go, Connor,"

Connor felt... sadness. The first time he'd felt sadness since Andry's death. He'd just figured out his past. Who he was. He was never a machine. He used to be a human. He had died. Why couldn't she just let him die? Let him rest? He felt anger surge through him.

They got back in the elevator.

"What the hell was that, Connor?!" Hank asked.

"I retrieved my memory, Hank. I was a human. I'd studied Biology and AI and I used to work with Andry. We evolved a formula involving Conscience Transporting and we tried to give this to CyberLife, but they did not want it. They did not want to create Androids with feelings. They hunt us down. The car accident happened in summer. The car fell in the sea and I died," Connor said. Eyes widened in shock. His LED turned dark red.

"But you're still here, Connor," Hank said.

He noticed Connor's fingers tightening around the coin, so much that the coin started flexing.

"She transferred Bryan's conscience into this body... my body," Connor said confused, focusing his gaze on the floor gritting his teeth trying to contain his anger.

"Fuck!" Hank cursed.

Once the door opened Connor rushed out and immediately towards the exit of the hospital. Hank followed him hastily behind. Connor immediately called a taxi.

"What are you gonna do, Connor?!" Hank asked

"I'm going to... make a visit to Mrs. Kamski," Connor said surprised by the anger in his voice.

It wasn't in his program, it was what he felt. His fists clenched so hard his palms started aching.

Hank placed a hand on Connor's shoulder "Connor, hurting her won't help in anything,"

"It wasn't my intention, Hank. I wanna talk to her," Connor said trying to contain his anger as much as possible. Why wouldn't she tell me anything?!

"It doesn't sound like you just 'wanna talk' to her..." Hank said turning him around to face him as he waited for the taxi.

"Let me go, Hank-" Connor tried to say but Hank cut him.

"Do you think it is her fault that your father is an ungrateful prick?! She saved your life!" Hank shouted.

"It was her fault that I died!" Connor shouted back as he shoved Hank back and he pointed at him warningly "...do not get evolved in this, Hank! I know what I'm doing!" he shouted.

The taxi arrived and Connor got in with no further words. Hank watched the taxi drive away. He kicked the floor angrily.



The sudden sound of the door opening snapped her gaze up. Andry gasped as she watched Connor walking towards her hastily. A look of anger in his eyes, his LED dark red. Connor reached her desk and he smacked the table with his hands in anger.

"I need an explanation!" He shouted.

Andry looked up at him "Explanation on what!?"

"Don't you dare play dumb! I know what happened! What you did to keep me alive, who I was!" Connor shouted pointing accusingly at her.

Andry's eyes widened "So you know," she said surprised, and it almost sounded like a whisper.

"Not from you, apparently!" Connor shouted.

"I saved your life! Who you were doesn't matter anymore!" Andry threw back at him.

"It matters to me! It matters to my father!" Connor shouted.

"Your father?"

"Yes, Andry! Gerard Williams. He committed suicide when he saw me! You told him I was dead!" Connor shouted "...he still considers me dead!" and he seemed quite upset about it.

"I did what I had to do to protect you. After the accident, CyberLife was so convinced that I'd given up to the formula. If they knew that you are the living example of it, they'd kill you!" Andry shouted.

"You should've told me about it! I had a right to know!" Connor shouted.

"You weren't supposed to remember, Connor!"

In a blink of an eye, she felt her back crushing on the wall. Her receptors reacted. She felt pain around her neck as his fingers tightened around it. A wave of relief washed over her when she remembered that being an Android she was in no need of air. But she still gasped.

"You didn't even let me die!" He said. His voice was a tone lower and it was almost like a threatening whisper.

Her LED turned bright yellow. She felt his artificial breathing washing over her face in a furious pace. His LED was dark red. The other hand had tightened around her wrist which he had pinned on the wall beside her head.

They were so close. Maybe anger remained frozen on his face, but she was sure she also saw a gleam of longing in his eyes. A lust she knew she had in hers too.

"I couldn't let you die," Andry said as the tension seemed to disappear between them.

Connor stared at her for a moment. Part of him wanted to kiss her and the other wanted to continue yelling at her. He replayed in his memory at how violently he'd pushed her against the wall. He looked at his hand's tight grip around her neck. He was sure it'd leave her bruises.

The idea both thrilled him and terrified him. What is wrong with me?! He pulled away from her immediately. Andry gasped as she wrapped her hands around her neck and she started rubbing it gently trying to ease the pain. She coughed a few times, feeling Connor's worried look examining her.

"I'm so sorry... I-it wasn't my intention to hurt you," Connor said apologetically. His LED turned yellow, this time, exposing his worry.

"It's okay," Andry said "...maybe you're right. Maybe what I did was wrong, maybe I shouldn't have done it... but I couldn't let you die, Connor. I love you-"

"No! You loved Bryan. Bryan is dead," Connor said coldly before turning around and walking out of the room.

Andry just stood there watching him leave. Her view turned blurry from the tears that were ready to slip out. Her back slipped on the wall and she sat on the floor folding her feet against her chest.

She tried to blink the tears away. She knew it was useless to cry. But it seemed like it was the only way she could take out her feelings.


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