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SEPTEMBER 20th, 2023
1st Attempt

"Welcome, everybody, to CyberLife. The very first company in Human History to have ever attempted to build Androids. Human-like machines that perform tasks, a hundred times more efficiently than humans. Or that's at least what I hope it'll happen,"

The young scientist said looking straightly at the camera. He moved towards the lifeless plastic body of the Android that'd been waiting to be switched on. A young girl was examining it with her gaze. The girl wrapped the arm of the Android and brought it closer to her attention.

The young scientist turned around looking at the girl and he sighed. "What are you doing, Andry?"

"The limbs won't work if you don't come up with the right chemical reaction between the biocomponents and the artificial blood, Elijah," The brown-haired thirteen-year-old said.

"Sis, I've been working on blue blood for months, it doesn't work," Elijah said as he walked towards his sister wrapping the hand of the Android away from his sister's arms.

"Have you tried adding phosphorus?" Andry asked.

"I've tried everything!" Elijah said. "Would you just let me get on with the experiment?!" He said exasperatedly rubbing his forehead.

"Okay," The girl said shrugging "Let's see how successful it's gonna be," she said sarcastically and she chuckled.

Elijah grunted "Step away from the camera!" pointing at the exit of the room.

Andry walked away with a smirk on her lips and she walked out of the lab "Okay," It was always fun teasing her brother.

"Thank you!" The annoyance was clear in his voice. Elijah turned at the cameraman "Delete that footage. Let's start all over,"

MARCH 12th, 2027
2nd Attempt

"Welcome to CyberLife, the first company in human history that has attempted to manufacture Androids. Human-like machines that perform tasks, built to better the lives of humanity. There has been a great progress in the last four years. Our main goal is to make everyday life easier for humanity and-" Elijah said looking at the camera until he turned around and saw his sister crossing her hands. "What do you want now?"

"You messed it up, bro," Andry said looking at the lifeless Android that lied on the bed.

"What are you talking about? This is the greatest point I've ever been in this project!" Elijah said "Don't you have a class to attend!?" he asked irritated.

"Too easy for my taste," The seventeen-year-old said.

Elijah sighed and he walked towards his sister "Look, sis, I know you're a genius, but you have some diplomas to study for,"

"Bro, pay attention..." Andry said passing her hand around her brother's shoulders and she pointed her finger on the Android's face "...what is it missing?"

"EYES!" Elijah shouted as he ran quickly towards the other room of his lab and he grabbed the new biocomponents. "Help me attach them,"

Andry walked towards the PC beside the Android and she connected them with a cable. She started typing hastily on the keyboard.

"Are you sure this will work?" Andry asked as she typed and clicked things with the mouse that they appeared on the screen.

"It has to," Elijah said.

"Ready?" Andry asked.

"Do it!" Elijah said.

She pressed the Enter and the Android opened its eyes. Andry noticed the eyes were the same color as hers, deep blue. She grinned at her brother.

"I see where you got the idea for that color, bro," she said.

"Sis, not the right moment to brag about your eyes," Elijah said giving her a playful look.

"Sir, should we delete that footage too?" The cameraman said.

"Nope, from now on, Andry and I will be partners at this project," Elijah said smiling proudly at his little sister.

MAY 24th, 2033

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an important day for our era. History is written today, for Dr. Elijah Kamski and Dr. Andromeda Kamski, have built the very first Android..."

"The people here are all excited to get a copy of the only Android that successfully passed the Turing Test. Each copy costs almost 2 million dollars..."

"The two brilliant siblings came up with a new element, Thirium that supports the body and runs a thousand times faster than real human blood. It makes the Androids perfectly intelligent, and they're able to fulfill any task..."

"Dr. Elijah Kamski has been voted Man of the Century, and Dr. Andromeda Kamski has been voted Woman of the Year twice. Statistics show that the valuation of CyberLife will reach 200 billion in two years..."

She shut the TV. Her head ached from the endless efforts of the reporters trying to catch her attention. Or maybe it was the huge amounts of Scotch she'd drank to celebrate the day. That day had started in endless insufferable anxiousness watching the Android she and her brother had designed, answering successfully all the questions of the Turing Test.

'Woman of the Year, twice' she chuckled. She was only twenty-three years old. Who could've thought that she'd ever achieve that? Who could've guessed that my stupid brother would become Man of the Century? She grinned as she sank deeper into the couch.

She looked at the glass partition. There were still reporters outside. The security was trying to keep some control while her brother seemed to have a lot of fun explaining them things they couldn't understand.

She wrapped her glass, half filled with whiskey and ice. She took another sip and she sighed. Andry hated whiskey's taste. It was bitter and sweet at the same time. Just like life. But she was sure that she was passed the second bottle.

After a few more minutes, her brother, finally, retreated and walked inside with a wide smirk on his face. He laughed loudly, excitedly. Something they'd been working on for so long was finally happening.

"How did it go, Elijah? Did you fascinate them with your awesome endless knowledge?" Andry asked sarcastically.

Elijah smirked widely "I did," and he poured himself a glass of whiskey as well. "And it's Dr. Elijah, from now on," he said teasingly.

"Pfft, you've just been elected Man of the Century, big deal," Andry said chuckling as he sat beside her.

"Why didn't you come to share the glory?" Elijah asked.

"I'm not really sociable, you know that," Andry said "...I just wanna get back to the lab and start working on the next model,"

Both siblings looked at each other. Wide smiles on their lips as the same idea slipped through their both heads. They jumped from the couch and they started running towards the lab as if they were five-year-olds playing chase. 


Hello, everybody! That's my first Connor x OC fanfic! I hope you like it! I won't stray much from the storyline of Detroit: Become Human.

Thanks for reading! Please Vote and Comment if you liked it!

Love ya! :)

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