Chap 1, just my luck...

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Dipper POV
Dipper was shoving things into his bag, grumbling angrily. Stupid grunkles, why is everybody so against me these days...?
Ford and Stan had been arguing about something stupid. The usual... dipper thought. They were slowly getting louder and dipper's sensitive deer ears were starting to hurt, he covered his ears with pillows but they only got louder. "CAN EVERYBODY JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE?!" Dipper yelled. Ford sighed an apology but it only made grunkle Stan more angry. "OH IM SORRY DIPPER, DID WE HURT YOU STUPID OVER SENSITIVE EARS? OH- OR MAYBE YOU'RE JUST TO SENSITIVE IN THE FIRST PLACE, MAYBE ITS NOT YOUR EARS, MAYBE ITS YOU IN GENERAL! YOU'RE WEAK!"Stan yelled back. "Stan calm down!" Said ford. They continued arguing and Dipper could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. He looked and the ground. It's true... he thought. I am weak... Dipper was about to start crying when he heard a voice in his head, you're not weak dipper...grunkle Stan's just an asshole...just away...~. But where will I go? He thought back. No response. Dipper didn't know why, but he listened to the voice in his head. He stomped angrily up the stairs, almost falling as he misplaced one of his hooves on the steps, and ran to his room.
-flashback ends-
He shoved his journal, some food, a notebook, some pens and a pencil or two, his phone and some headphones. Dipper slung his bag over his shoulder and started to walk down the stairs. What am I going to tell Mabel... that I just decided to run away..? Meh she wouldn't care... nobody does anymore...Just as he opened the door he heard grunkle Stan growl at him. "Just where the hell do you think your going dipper?". Dipper glared at his grunkle. "I'm going for a walk, now leave me alone..."he said finally. He started to walk out and Stan pulled him back in the house. Dipper let out a surprised deer noise and tried to get out of his grasp. "Let me go!" He yelled.Dipper wriggled violently and eventually got free. Stan tried to grab him again but dipper was already running towards the forest. "DIPPER!" He heard his grunkle yell. "ITS NOT SAFE AT NIGHT GET BACK HERE!". "So?! Why would you care?!"he yelled back. Dipper just kept running. He knew there were hunters at this time of night but at this point he didn't care. Nobody did... Dipper ran until he came upon a clearing. Dipper slowed down to catch his breath and sat down against a tree he got out his journal and began to read it. While he was reading he was thinking about places he could stay in. I could live in a cave... or I could make my own house...but what about money? How will I earn money in this weird ass place...I could be an author... maybe I could grow my own food...About an hour and a half later Dipper sighed and stood up. He walked to the middle of the clearing and decided to eat some grass. While he was eating his 'delicious' meal he heard a 'click'. Dipper looked around warily. After a few moments he heard it again. 'Click'
Dipper started to freak out he started to move back slowly and he heard it a third time. He froze in place and he heard a gunshot. He tried to run but suddenly there was a harsh sting in his back right leg. Dipper made a scared deer noise and fell to the ground. Soon enough a tall blonde hunter walk out from the shadows holding a rifle on his shoulder. "Your gunna make a great mount kid~" he said as he knelt down to dipper's level. Soon dipper was surrounded but darkness as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Dipper woke up, expecting to be in his bed back at the mystery shack. He sat up and he hit his head on the bars of a cage. "Oowww..." He said running his head. He looked around the dark room. There was nothing else in there except other empty cages. Dipper whimpered and tried to go back to sleep, hoping that all it was, was just a bad dream...

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