Chap 10: Bill hates squares

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Billy POV

"You ok Bill?"

Bill looked up. "Hmm? Oh- yeah, sorry just spacing out..."

Dipper looked at him, obviously not convinced.

'C'mon Bill... you have to be more convincing... just don't think about it...'

"...okay then..."

The small group continued walking around.

"Oh hey wait a minute, bill, how come you have to be a cervitaur like me but Will doesn't?"

Will looked over. "Oh cuz the people in this town know im harmless... they trust me!"

BIll rolled his eyes.

"Lucky little shit..."

Will smirked. Mabel let out a small laugh.

"You two are like total polar opposites aren't you?"

Will nodded and Bill just looked at her.

"Geez, what gave you that idea?"

Mabel rolled her eyes. Bill was looking around with a bored expression until her remembered something.

"Oh! Hey PineTree!"

Dipper looked at him and tilted his head.


"Why did you run off earlier? I don't like secrets ya know..."

Dipper's eye lit up like fireworks.


Mabel covered her ears.

"Gosh bro-bro, calm down. Even I'm never that loud..."

Dipper shook his head at his sister ard turned to look at Bill. The brunette smiled widely and shoved his arm into the demon's face.

Bill stumbled backwards slightly and fell onto his deer half.

He looked back up at the boy and saw that he had gotten at tattoo on his right arm... it was Bill's demon form, and according to dipper, his 'magical flying dorito' form.

Bill smiled.

"PineTree... you're adorable.

" Dipper smiled like a little kid.

"Do ya' like it?"

Bill laughed lightly.

"Of course I do." The blonde said while getting up and ruffling the brunette's fluffy hair.

Will yawned.

"Awwww~ you yawn like a kitten!" Mabel cooed.

Will blushed.

"Wh-What?! N-NO I DONT!" He said getting defensive.

Mabel laughed.

"You're just like Dipper-ehehe- right Bill?"

Bill smirked.

"... totally"

DIpper looked at his boyfriend in disbelief.

"What the- BILL! RUDE!"

Mabel and Bill both fell to the ground laughing.

"Haha! Pine-ha-Tree, you're too-haha-fun to mess -ha- with!"

Will and Dipper both looked down.

"It's never going to end is it?"

Will shook his head.

"Nope..." he responded, popping the P.

_-Time Skip cuz I'm tired and lazy-_

The four of them were heading back home.

Bill and dipper back to their cute little house in the woods, Mabel back to the mystery shack, and will back to his apartment.

They reached the edge of the forest and said their good-byes.

Mabel had made Dipper promise to visit her at the Mystery Shack the next day.

Bill and Dipper were walking in the forest on the small path that lead to their 'cabin'.

"Hey Bill?"

Bill tilted his head.

He was back in his casual human form now.

"Were you really okay back there? Ya' know... how you keep on zoning out and stuff?"

Bill sighed.

"It's really nothing, I just sensed a decently strong amount of magic coming from the forest.. it was probably just the gnomes making their freakishly huge super gnome thing or whatever."

Dipper laughed.

"Those little guys are nuts! they tried to capture Mabel and keep her as their queen, but we fought them off with a leaf blower."

Bill looked at dipper with an amused expression.

"Pfft, nice..."

Dipper put his hands on his hips and smirked proudly.

"You're adorable..."

The younger boy blushed and jabbed bill in the stomach with his elbow.

"Ow! Hey!"

The brunette crossed his arms and looked away.

"Well sorry for loving you PineTree, but I cant help it."

He looked at Bill and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Hehe, love you too.... you magic flying space dorito."

Bill chuckled.

"Fine, ill let that slip just this one time, k?"

Dipper smirked.

"No promises~!"

The two boys smiled and kept walking.

"Such a cute little scene~"

Bill whipped around only to be met with the one and only annoying purple square...

Tad Strange.

'Damnit! Screw you human form!'

Was the last thought he had, before everything went black.

(Hiya friends~! I did it wHoO~ sorry this chap was short, but if I were to continue it would be hard to make the next chapter. Anyways, hope u enjoyed •<•)

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