Chap 7

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(Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I don't have many ideas for the story. I'm still gunna finish it but it might take a while for me to update. Once again, sorry I will try to update more! ;-; p.s. I love this picture XD👆)

Mabel POV

Mabel was sitting in Dipper's room. I can't believe dipper choose bill over us...

The brunette rocked back and forth on her brother's bed, in her so called 'sweater town'.

Why did you leave dipper...? Ever since Dipper had gone with bill, Mabel had been lonely. Why did he choose bill? I mean... I get that he loved him but... was there another reason he chose him?

Mabel sighed. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and typed in the password. She looked through all of the pictures of her and her brother hanging out together, high school graduation, 15th birthday, etc.

When she was done looking through the pictures on her phone, she realized, there weren't many photos with Dipper in them.

Oh shiiiit! Mabel smacked her head against the attic wall. "Uuggghhhhhh! I'm such a fucking idiot!" Mabel smacked her head against the wall again. "We're such IDIOTS!!!"

The brunette groaned and sat back down. This is all our fault... it's our fault he choose bill... it's all our fault.....

—————TimeSkip brought to you by sum delicious ass Doritos >:D—————

It was 8 pm and Stan was cooking dinner. Mabel and Sphinxly were sitting in the living room watching TV.

Mabel with a small bowl of fruits and Sphinxly with his journal. Mabel was sadly picking off the leaves on an uncut strawberry when the doorbell rang.

Mabel's ears perked up and angled themselves toward the door. Who would come out here at this time of night?

"I'll get it!" She yelled and got up still focused on picking off the leaves on the strawberry.

She opened the door and dropped the small red fruit. Standing at the door was a boy about her age with brown hair...but he was human.

Wait.. DIPPER?!

"Dipper?!" She practically screamed. He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"H-hey Mabel..." he said. Mabel hugged him. "What're you doing you idiot!" She whisper yelled at him.

"I-I..." Mabel tilted her head to the side."you what?" Dipper sighed and looked at the ground. "I came to get my stuff... I'm moving in with bill and... yeah..."

Mabel's ears went straight down. "O-oh...ok..." Dipper looked up and smiled sadly at her. "You okay sis?"

Mabel had a couple of tears running down her cheek. She wiped them off and tried to look happy. "Y-yeah!"

Dipper smiled at her, she smiled back. Why can't you stay with us..? "Okay so, if you need your stuff we can't let Sphinxly or gargoyle Stan know that you're here..."

Just then, an idea popped into Mabel's head. "Stay here!" Mabel ran into her brother's room and grabbed some random clothes. She ran back down and gave the clothes to Dipper.

"What're these for?" He Asked looking at her confused. "The- Wait Wait! WaitWaitWaitWaitWait....Wait...." she stopped herself. She looked at dipper's neck and saw a dark purple bruise near his collarbone.

"Dipper... is that what I think it is?!" She said, grinning like a mad man. He looked at her confused for a second and looked at where she was pointing. He blushed a deep dark red and facepalmed himself.

"N-yeah..." he looked at the floor and closed his eyes. "Awwww! DIP N' DOTS GOT HIMSELF A BB!" Mabel half screamed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever... it's not that big of a deal Mabel... can I get my stuff now?"

Mabel laughed. "Okay, but you have to put these on and act like some boy that I met okay?" Dipper rolled his eyes. "Fiiine!"

Dipper put on the clothes Mabel got him and they twins walked in the house. "Mabel, why were you at the door for so long and who is he?" Sphinxly asked.

"Oh, this is my friend! His name is Bryan!" Dipper awkwardly waved at Sphinxly. "H-hey...".

"Welp!" Said Mabel grabbing her brother's arm. "Let's go upstairs to 'my' room!"

Sphinxly watched the two run upstairs suspiciously, but shrugged it off, it was Mabel's usual behavior anyways.

Mabel pulled her twin upstairs and dragged him to his own room. "Okay dip dop, hurry before they get suspicious..." Dipper nodded and started packing all the stuff he needed.

Once he was done he looked at Mabel. "I'll visit... I promise.." Mabel smiled at him. "Okay bro bro, next time, have bill turn you into a human and pretend to be bryan again, k?" She asked.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah..." Mabel hugged Dipper and helped him climb out the window.

"Bye broseph!!" She called after him as he walked into the woods.

He turned around and waved at her then continued deeper into the forest.

See ya soon dipper... see ya soon...

( French accent*: you like? Oh Huh Huh! I knew u like >:3 XD
Welp, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry I took so long to update but I like to read stories too ;-; well, I will probably update sometime in a couple of days. And don't worry, I didn't leave out any precious smut so calm down. I plan on making a smut chapter after a couple more updates! :D
So, until next time mah dorito friends! >:3)

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