Chapter 8: Into town Pt.1

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(Hey gUyS! HOLY SHIT! I GOT AN IDEA!! ...I kno I haven't updated in a while so... here u go ^•^)

Dipper POV
Dipper stretched, his deer legs hitting the end of the couch he slept on.

The boy opened his eyes sleepily and yawned. "MORNIN' PINETREE!!"

Dipper made a startled deer noise as bill leaned over and stared at dipper with a weird cheshire-like smile.

"What the hell bill?! You freaked me out!" Bill laughed and pulled dipper up. "I thought you would be used to my weirdness by now.."

Bill made a fake pouty face and crossed his arms. Dipper rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Bill, I am used to your weirdness... but that doesn't mean you can freak me out like that right after I wake up in the morning..." He said

"Okie~!" Bill zoned out for a second.
"Oh, and PineTree, wanna go into town today?"

WHAAAAAT..? Did he say... into town?! Dipper smiled like crazy. "OH MY GOD YES!!"

Dipper threw his hands up in the air. "I've been cooped up in your house for daaaaays!"

Bill chuckled lightly. "Ok my PineTree~" Bill booped the cervitaur on the nose. "We'll head out in a couple of hours."

Dipper jumped around, almost knocking over a small pot that sat on a side-table next to the couch. Bill smiled at the boy's behavior.

"Okay, calm down PineTree. You might break something." Dipper came to an abrupt stop and looked at bill.

"Sorry..." he said, the small cervitaur's ears dropping down, as if he were sad. "Cute" Dipper blushed a little at the statement but it soon went away.

Bill flopped down on the couch and began to flip through some of the channels on the small the TV he magically poofed into the house.

Dipper tilted his head, and sat down next to him. The brunette curled up into a ball and laid on bill's lap. Bill let out a soft chuckle and started petting the boy behind his ear.

Dipper couldn't help but smile and let out a joyful sigh.

"You're so cute PineTree~"

Dipper didn't blush, he just closed his eyes, exited for the trip into town.

_-+*TimeSkip brought to you by Doritos -D-*+-_

Dipper awoke, slowly blinking sleep from his eyes.

The small cervitaur yawned loudly and stretched at little.
The boy looked up, only to see Bill, passed out on the couch, with his hand laying across Dipper's back.

Shit! we fell asleep! What time is it? "Bill!" Dipper half yelled.

"BIIIIILLLL!" Dipper yelled again, this time poking his face.

Dipper poked bill's mouth. hehehe~ his cheeks are squishy~

Dipper messed with Bill's face, moving his lips to make it look like he was frowning.

Dipper laughed lightly. The brunette poked his face again, but all of the sudden, Bill's eyes flew open and he bit the boy's hand.

"OW! BILL YOU ASS!" Bill burst into laughter while the boy rubbed his hand lightly.

When Bill finally calmed down, Dipper pouted.

"Awwwwww~ is little Dippy angry~?"

Dipper crossed his arms and looked away. Bill smirked. "Okay then, we don't have to go out into town today, we can go another time."

Dipper turned around almost instantly. "NO! PLEASE!!!! I CANT STAY HERE MUCH LONGER!!!"

Bill laughed. "okay, well, first get off of me and then we can go." Dipper stood up. "Wait Bill, are you going to turn into your cervitaur form? The town doesn't like humans..."

Bill looked at Dipper. "Oh... okay then~" Bill snapped his fingers and he turned into a cervitaur.

Bill put his hands on his 'hips' and smirked widely.

The brunette rolled his eyes. "Can we go now?" Dipper asked, crossing his arms. "okay my Pinetree~" Bill walked over to the boy and kissed his forehead.

Dipper blushed slightly. "ok, lets go~" Bill opened the door for Dipper to walk out. As soon as the boy could fit through the door he ran outside and skidded to a halt before reaching the forest.

"WHOOP!! CMON BILL! LETS GO! N.O.W" Dipper screeched excitedly.

Bill smiled softly  at the brunette's antics. "Hehe, ok my PineTree~"

(Hey guys, really sorry for not updating in like...what 2 months? Just want u all 2 know I'm DEFINITELY NOT discontinuing this book. I've read too many stories that just ended randomly and I don't want to do that to you guys. Also, I'm going to be writing another Billdip story, idk what I'm going to call it, but I will probably publish the first chapter sometime between October and November.Welp, until next time my lovely Doritos!)

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