Chap 3: Dont go...

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Bill's POV
Bill could hear dipper's thoughts, yeesh that kid thinks too loud for his own good...heh, nice to know he likes me~

"U-uh bill?" Asked dipper."Yeah kid?" Bill stopped and turned to look at Dipper. "S-so... what are you... exactly? A-and where is my bag?"Bill stared at Dipper for a moment and sighed. "I'm a demon, a dream demon to be exact. Your bag is in your room,And before you ask more questions, yes I can read minds." Bill smirked after he said the last part. Dipper blushed and looked down. Bill was surprised he wasn't scared of him.

Bill chuckled. He then showed Dipper where his new room would be, and gave him a small tour of his cabin/small house.
————-TimeSkip brought to you by my laziness————-
It was the end of the day and Bill was getting bored so he decided to check on Dipper.He opened the door slightly and
Peeked his head in. Dipper was on his bed reading his journal, or at least bill thought he was. "Hey PineTre-" Bill was cut off with a loud snore from dipper. "PineTree?" Bill walked over to him and saw that Dipper had fallen asleep while reading. Bill sat on the side of the bed and watched dipper sleep for a while. He's so cute when he sleeps! Bill thought and smirked. Before bill got up he kissed dipper lightly on the forehead. "Goodnight my PineTree~" He said as he stood up and tried to walk to the door. Dipper grabbed him by the shirt.

Dipper grumbled sleepily and pulled Bill back. The demon chuckled and walked back over to dipper. "What is it my PineTree?" Bill asked. Dipper had his deer legs sprawled across the bed and his eyes were half open. "Stay..." he said sleepily. Damn that cute face! Bill slowly got in bed with Dipper and he wrapped his arms around his deer half. "There, you need anything else my PineTree?" Bill said sweetly. "" he replied. Bill chuckled and hugged dipper.

Ehheehehehe I can't wait for PineTree's expression once he wakes up! Once Dipper fell asleep Bill decided to mess with dipper's dreams. Bill closed his eyes and entered the mindscape, leaving his body.

Once in Dipper's dreams he saw Dipper sitting in a clearing reading his journal and occasionally taking a berry from a bowl of fruit he had by his side. The fuck? This dream is boring why is he so happy...? Bill quietly floated up to dipper and tapped him on the shoulder. Dipper made a surprised deer noise and spun around to see bill floating there, upside down.

"Oh thank god it's just you bill..." dipper sighed. Bill laughed. "You're too easy PineTree!". Dipper zoned out for a second and then looked at bill. "Wait are you real bill or bill that I summoned in my head and you're just part of the dream bill?". Bill grinned internally. This is gunna be fuuun~

"Don't worry dipper, I'm not the real bill. I'm option number two! The 'in your head bill'."He said making a quotation symbol in the air with his fingers. "Oh, ok! I can practice on you then." Bill had to keep in his laughter. Wait... practice?

Without bill realizing what dipper meant by 'practice' dipper smashed his lips against his, almost instantly melting into the kiss. Bill kissed back. A few minutes past and they were still kissing, dipper had his hands in bill's hair and bill had his arms wrapped around dipper's human half. They pulled apart and both boys were blushing madly. "I love you bill..." he confessed. " love you too my PineTree~" they hugged each other for what felt like hours. "Hey dream bill...?" Asked Dipper. "Yeah?". "D-do you think bill likes me the same way in the real world...?" He said looking down.

Bill looked at dipper and gave him a lopsided smile. "Who knows Dipper... we can only hope..."he said and the dream started to fade.

(Hey sorry if this is short but I went to sleep at 2:00 am this morning and I just slept in sooooo yeah... sorry👌👌👌)

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