Chapter 12

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(Yay I finally got an idea-Sorry for the long wait, ((cough, six-ish months, cough)) I have no intention to discontinue this story though, I just wont update often ((cough)) Coronacation got me vibin ya'll, here's your next chapter. )

Mabel's POV

Mabel and her grunkles were searching the upstairs of the house while Bill was supposed to be searching the downstairs. Mabel was almost done searching when all of the sudden she heard a loud roar and the crashes coming from below them.

Her, Stan, and Sphinxly scrambled to meet each other in front of the staircase.

The brunette looked at the others with worry in her eyes before the three rushed down. They ran around the house looking for Bill before Mabel found a rug that was pushed aside to reveal a hatch in the floor.

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford! I think I found where he went!" She yelled loudly.

The sphinx and the gargoyle ran over to where the unitaur was standing, before they headed down the cold metal ladder into the basement section of the house.

Sphinxly insisted that he go down first as it was dangerous, but Mabel shook her head and ignored him.

'If Dipper is down there I'm going to get to him as fast as I can.'

She had trouble getting down the ladder because of her other half, but halfway down and she got the hang of it. When the unicorn girl reached the bottom of the ladder she hopped off and looked around the room.

It was a white concrete room that looked on the brink of collapse, most likely caused by the two strange demons that were fighting a battle to the death in the middle of it.

She looked around and noticed her brother sitting, tied up, on the other side of the giant room with a horrified expression plastered on his face.

The girl attempted to rush over to him but was stopped in her path by the two enraged, snarling demons tumbling in her direction.

The big black and yellow one, she assumed to be Bill, noticed her and managed to bring the other demon to a halt, just barely stopping before the brunette.

She scrambled back in fear of getting squashed and looked up.

She made eye contact with Bill before continuing to run over to her sibling.


Mabel hugged him tightly and almost started crying.


He did his best to hug her back with his arms behind him. Mabel attempted to yank the ropes off of his wrists but they wouldn't budge.

"They're magic ropes Mabel, they only way to get rid of them is if Tad lets me go."

Mabel huffed.

"Are you kidding me? What if we knock him out?"

The boy considered this.

"That should do the trick."

They looked behind them and noticed their grunkles landing on the ground next to them.

Sphinxly fixed his glasses and looked at his great nephew.

"If Bill were to knock out the other demon, the magic should disappear and set you free."

The cervitaur looked over to the two fighting demons and his ears immediately flattened against his head.

Mabel noticed this and turned around to look at it.

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